Its my mums birthday today!!!!
We got up, got dressed and headed into the city. First impressions - a fresh, clean city. There wasn't many cars. It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining from the high rise buildings, the streets seem to glisten. Me, the teddy and Belle (in that order) held hands as we walked through a relaxed city. It's huge. We didn't cover half of it. I wasn't fully committed though because I didn't want to look in too many shops (we were penny conscious).... After a little shop we headed for the food courts. They have McDonalds here but their competition, apparently, is Hungry Jacks (our burger king) so obviously we had to try. Lee approved!
After another little stroll through little side streets and gorgeous traditional looking shops we headed back to the car. Cathy said shall we take the sea view drive home.... Yes please!
We had to pull over. There was an exhibition on Cottesloe Beach showing random sculptures but to be honest me and Belle just wanted to kick off our flipfliops and get our matching pink nail varnished toes wet in the sea! (Cathy said it was ok to paint her toe nails - i asked first) We ran on to the gorgeous packed beach and played jumping the waves. Belle was fearless. Cathy told us not to get too wet because we didn't have towels with us and we really tried but when we weren't paying attention a big wave came. It came so quick it went over Belles head! I had her by her hand so I quickly picked her up... I was expecting her to start crying but instead she burst out laughing and couldn't wait to run n tell her mum how much fun she was having. Both Lee and Cathy looked at me! Ha oops we were allowed to play a little longer then we had to head back.
Little fact - Cottesloe is where GMTV went on Christmas to wish the world Merry wishes. It was a nice drive back. Belle couldn't help but comment on the sand I'd put on the seat and that we were both wet.....
The children were fast asleep by 8 so we chilled out with vodka, Jim bean and back garden chats.
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