We woke at 6:30 and Lee jumped in the drivers seat. We drove to Ballarat, where there was a giant Koala and decided to stop here for breakfast. We went wild and got a mcmuffin. Yep I defo don't like them! Last time I got one of those was in Huyton. Lee told me they were nice but I couldn't eat it because the fat dripped on my leg before I'd got the bun to my lips so Lee had mine... This time he got me one without sausage. They're rubbish! I eat it this time though... 'Your not in Kansas now Dorothy'!
We stopped at the next services so I could have a wash then headed onto Melbourne.
We arrived at the camper place with half an hour to spare! The lady gave the van an inspection then released the bond and credited my card with $100 towards petrol. She rang a taxi for us and we jumped in. It cost us $50 to get to southern cross but it would have cost about that to get to the airport and get the shuttle.
We checked our bags in at the station then went for a last wonder around Melbourne.
Time flew before we knew it it was 19:55 and we were sat on our train, sweating a little because the aircon was broken but cheers-ing each other with wine, watching the Big Bang theory on Lees iPad preparing ourselves for the 11 hour journey to Sydney.
Of course it wouldn't be a Melbourne train without the loons so we had a couple around us. One that refused to let the person in the seat in front lie his chair back the 28 degree luxury because 'I've got a guitar', 'sure put your chair back if you want to buy me another', 'I've been playing this all my life', 'it cost $700'.... The person put their chair back up just to shut her up then next minute the woman behind said 'erm can you turn that light off' meaning the reading light above the seat... 'It's hurting my eyes', 'I can't sit here with that light on'... Again no words were spoken from the victim. The light just went off.
Bed time :)
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