Oh you poor thing hope you feel better today.If not I know you will get help and stay where you are. If it is only this few days maybe the rest of the trip will be trouble free ,after all you have a lot of weeks to go and many sights to see. Love mumxxx
Hiya Love.
Grandma's here for Sunday lunch so she's become a "silver surfer" for a few minutes!!!
Can't help waiting impatiently to hear how the home stay went, but I guess the beach is more attractive than the pooter now that you're in Sihanoukville. I trust the toothache's now under control; I do feel for you and hope its not spoiling the adventure. It could be worse; you could be in cold, grey England, backstage at the Hampstead, with toothache!
Take care and have fun. Lots of love, Dad. X
Grandma's first blog.....
Glad to hear you're having a lovely time, and enjoying your blog posts enormously. Keep up the good work, take care. Love you
Grandma XXXX
Hope your toothache and saddle sore bum get better soon, I'm very impressed by your advance planning, you're definitely your mum's daughter.
How is your tooth now hope I wont spoil your trip. Just as well you planned ahead with the antibiotics.Take care
Ey up. Thanks for the snake warning. I would have believed you without the picture though. Hope you can stand the excitement for as long as possible, it sounds like you're getting just what you bargained for. You'll be amazed to know that everything back here in England is exactly the same as when you left - grey and cold and dreary - so don't miss it too much will you!
I dont know what happened to the message I popsted yesterday. I was just to say wear your hat! and we miss you too. It sounds like it is everything you dreamed of and more. Keep safe love Mum
It's great to be able to keep up with you on your big adventure, carry on having a ball.
Barry,liz And Boys
Hi Leanne.
Glad to be getting the bloggs.
Sounds like great fun and 'some' education.
Keep on enjoying and sending the news.
Glad to see you were listening,looking at your last entry it seems the jet lag is getting to you. Have a great day and enjoy yourself.
Hiya love!
Its always good to get the numpty moments out of the way early!!! Good to hear from you after your journey, and we've let those who need to know that you've arrived safely. Enjoy everything that happens next...