Well, so much to say so little time! First week here has been incredibly hard! No one here speaks english and the school is huge! 2000 kids and its just a primary school. The first weekend was very lonely being placed in several different apartments and not knowing what was going on really. I'm now in a lovely place thanks to the lovely Pen and her team.
Unfortunately Pen had to leave me and go back to bangkok last saturday so I had two days to kill in my new town with no company at all, luckily for me the neighbour (who is a kindergarden teacher) asked her daughter to befriend me, so with the help of a Thai dictionary we had some rather stilted polite chats and went some places.
Have loads to do tonight but willl fill you in on the rest at some point, those on facebook will know that this is not at all what I expected and I am struggling at the moment. I'm gonna try and give it a bit more time before making any rash moves but the teaching is not as I expected and I'm not convinced that me being here is doing any good for my (fingers crossed) future career or indeed for the kids who are impossible to control without knowing thai.
I had a baptism of fire on my first day, which has continued throughout the week and finally on day 2 I met some woman who could speak English and indeed teach it at the school. Jenny and Love have been my saviours but even with their company I am seriously struggling to stay upbeat. There is no tourist trade here and the few westerners i've seen have been old men.
I head to the nearest other interns this weekend to have a few drinks and relax in the company of others in a similar position for the first time in 7 days, I'm hoping this will help me put it alli into perspective and I can have the positive outlook I came out here with again!
60 kids per class 4 classes a day and only seeing the same class twice is proving a bit too much for my first classroom experience, plus I chose an internship for support and have so far had next to none! Talk about culture shock!
On the plus side Ive had a lovely evening with jenny and love tonight, we ate Thai bbq and relaxed for the first time since I got here, had a beer, had a laugh and now I finally feel I have some friends in this big old city!
Maybe things really will turn out the way I dreamed!
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