We flew into Rio Friday evening and jumped on the bus to copacabana. Our plans to spend our last week in the Marriott in luxury were sidelined sue to insufficiwnt funds so we settled for a cheap and cheerful hostel instead. We´ve grown quite fond of bunk beds and cold water now anyway! We woke up to beautiful blue skies so headed straight to the famous copacabana beach where we found hundreds of Brazilians enjoying the weekend sun, playing football, volleyball and surfing. With the sunsetting we walked around the market looking for souvenirs, but this trip has failed to improve either of our decision making skills so we both left empty handed.
Our 2nd day followed a similar pattern. we were again treated to gorgeous sunshine so we spent another day on the beach, although we did venture further afield to Ipanema, the next beach along. This one is popular with surfers because of the massive waves that break so close to the beach but not so popular with swimmers. Nikki attempted to go in but got as far as her ankles when a wave as high as her waist almost knocked her over and she was seen running out the water before it sucked her out to sea! Tonight the vendors in the hippy market would be left disappointed as our indecisiveness continued. We had a pleasant stroll around ´planning´ our purchases and bartering for the cheapest prices but by the time we went back ready to buy all the stalls were closing. So if you were expecting presents you might be out of luck!
On our 3rd day in Rio we thought we better see some more of the city and venture away from the beaches so we did one of our missions, walking the whole city in a day! e went to downtown rio, to the centro district and Lapa before heading up the cobbled streets to Santa Teresa. Not fancying the steps up we hopped on the side of a packed tram, hanging on for dear life as it sped up the hill. We were expecting a viewpoint looking out over the city at the top but turns out we had gone too far, so found ourselves on the way back down. A long walk back but a pleasant one through Flamengo park and along Flamengo beach, the cities artificial beach. From here we had great views over to sugar loaf mountain, out next destination. We caught the cable car up to the first viewing platform where we could see out to copacabana beach and Botafago marina. As we arrived at the very top we appeared to be in the middle of a cloud so didnt get the stunning views we had hoped for. Although as the sun started to set the statue of Christ the Redeemer appeared above the clouds giving us a spooky feeling of being in heaven!
Leanna was up by 630am after a series of worrying text messages from home through the night about her email account, and so spent the morning on the computer trying to sort out the mess. Despite being in a state of despair all day she still wanted to go ahead with our planned tour. We were picked up and driven through Tijuca forest to the top of Corcovado where the statue of christ the redeemer stands. We were disappointed to find more cloud blocking our view but luckily it began to clear and we could see the sights of rio below including copacabana beach, sugar loaf and the maracana stadium. The statue itself towered above us but determined to get a photo with leanna and jesus together, Nikki resorted to laying on the floor to get the whole thing in. The scene was made more authentic by a group of monks from Mozambique and a couple of nuns. We drove back through Santa Teresa and the outskirts of one of the biggest favelas in rio to arrive at the Maracana stadium, home of Brazilian football. After having photos with the footsteps of the stars we decided to walk round the outside of 200000 capacity complex rather than pay for the expensive pitch tour. Half way round we spotted a derelict carpark with an open door right onto the pitch so we snuck in quickly and caught a glimpse of it before security could chase after us. Next we stopped at the Sambadrome, a long avenue built for the carnaval where the floats have the chance to parade in front of the judges. We saw some of the garish costumes rented out at carnaval time but politely declined the opportunity to try some on! Our final stop was the metropolitan cathedral, a stramge beehive shaped building with beautiful stain glass windows stretching from top to bottom.
With Leannas spirits still low we decided some cheering up was in order so indulged in a few chopps (draught beer) on copacabana beach. Back to the hostel with a bottle of wine, DIY pizzas and a game of cards for a chilled out night. It was all going to plan until Nikki suggested a game of spoof with 3 Israeli guys. She learnt this coin game in Praia do forte but had clearly forgotten the damage it could do because a few hours later we found ourselves stumbling to bed a little worse for wear and making immediate enemies of our 2 new roommates!
Wednesday was spent on the beach again and in the afternoon we had a tour of H Stern headquarters, a famous Brazilian jewellers. We were attracted by the offer of a free gift at the end but first had to endure the humiliation of walking through the posh corridors and very expensive jewellry displays in our beach clothes, covered in sand , and knowing we couldn´t afford a single gem in there. A more succesful trip to the market tonight and then back to the hostel for another home cooked meal.
Well that brings us to the end of our very last blog : (. We now only have 2 days left which we plan to spend making the most of the sun and having a ´final supper´out together on Friday. We cant believe its come to an end already but we have had a fantastic trip and will both take away brilliant memories from everywhere we´ve been. Hope you´ve enjoyed the journey with us through the blog and photos. Looking forward to seeing you all soon xxxxx
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