Jan 29, 2010- Day Five
Here I am Hobart…Tasmania!
So today I packed up and said goodbye to Melbourne.Lachlan and I caught a shuttle from the hostel to the airport early in the morning.I checked my large suitcase at the airport storage for the week while I'm away in Tassie.The guy gave me a discount so it came to a whopping $80 for a week's worth of storage.. which is actually a pretty decent price for storage.We then checked in for our 11:35am JetStar flight to Hobart, Tasmania.The flight went soo quickly compared to the flights that I have been taking lately.The whole ride took just over an hour.Landing in Hobart was a beautiful sight.Green rolling hills all over and paddocks in between.
Lachlan and I caught a taxi into the main city center of Hobart where our hotel was located. Our room wasn't quite ready so we opted to travel around and explore the town along Elizabeth Street. We ate lunch at a cool bakery chain called "Banjos" and watched some buskers.Both of us were getting sleepy so we headed back to see if our room was ready.It was!So we took our gear upstairs and settled in our room awaiting Angie's arrival.
Ang (my Aussie friend from my New Zealand tour 3 years ago) arrived shortly after and we caught up with one another.We finally decided to grab some dinner at a neat restaurant we passed earlier in the day.I had whole wheat risotto with a mushroom sauce and a pint of Boags Draft (Tassie Brewery).. yummy! After dinner we walked around and called it a night.I ended up corrupting Lachie with a few episodes of One Tree Hill and then we all were soft and went to sleep.
- comments
David I didn't know you watched One Tree Hill. I wish I still didn't. >.