Ok so it's now a little over 3 months until I leave for Australia and to be honest nothing much has changed since my last post. I've more or less got my DBS Police Check sorted (I just need to get it signed) and my Visa is all ready but I can't send it off yet until the end of April/ beginning of May because of the rule they have for sending it off no more than 3 months before you depart.
But anyway, enough with the administrative side of my Gap Year process, I can let you in on all the stuff I've recently bought! So I generally shop online, so when buying bits and bobs to go away with why should this be any different? To prepare for the camp outings I bought an aliminium flask - it's silver and can hold up to a litre of water, I previously had walking boots due to my Duke of Edinburgh but I decided to buy new boots because I wanted some leather durable ones whereby every time I walk through a puddle my socks don't stay soaked for the rest of the day. I also got 12 pairs of thick walking socks (that should be enough however I will probs buy more before I leave just in case). I found my bum bag along with my First Aid kit and rucksack, so I don't need to buy any of them again. I do however still need to find my vaccination record to prove that I have had the required vaccines before entring Australia. I also bought a new waterproof watch (not sure if I've mentioned this or not, sorry if I'm repeating myself) and one thing that I'm yet to find but I really want to take with me is a waterproof phone case so that I can take photos underwater of all the marine life and goofy photos with the people I am yet to meet.
Of course I am still so excitied and every week that passes I am closer to leaving. I have recently visited my mum and family up in Norfolk (this is where I am right now, writing this post) and she still doesn't believe that I am actually going (: My funds are slowly rising - after my shopping spree my bank account took a small beating but hey it's things that I need while I'm over there and if I hadn't of bought them now, I would only be buying them closer to my departure anyways! Writing this here right now I leave in 108 days - it still sounds so long away but I'm so excited to write a post and it be like 3 days until I leave!!
Apologises for these blogs being more like a diary than an action packed story - when I'm over in Aus I will update as frequently as possible and share my activities with you and let you in on what I'm getting up to! Until next time...
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