Botswana, a country of one straight road, farm animals that do their own thing walking down the road, donkeys galore and weather that can change in the blink of an eye. So there we were on the big blue truck, and it is a beast of a truck sat very high into the air. We eventually made it to the border where we had to pass through one of those disinfectant bath things. By this point I was quite warm so I actually exsposed my arms.. shock horror as you can probably tell I provide much entertainment for the truck with my actions to prevent mosquito bites!!!
We stopped off at some little town to get money etc, however could I get money.... no I couldnt so much for hsbc being a world bank, if i can give anyone some advice as i am good with that bring a visa card as maestro is rubbish by all accounts. We made our way from there to our first camp site, it was quite a smart little place but i cannot for the life of me remember its name I shall get back to you about that at a later date. We set up camp and then kicked back and relaxed by the pool with a beer or two. At about six Oclock it was time for our first group meal, basically we were split into pairs for various different duties, our first one was pack up so there was not too much to worry about at that point as we were there for two nights. Our tour leader runs a very tight ship but she is very efficient.
After a few lively games of s*** head.... im sorry i dont know who thought of that name but in any case that is what it is called!!!! where i am pleased to say that the poms as we are affectionaltely known proved victorious yey for us!!!! we headed to bed. Now I for one am glad that we put the fly sheet over our tent as in the middle of the night it absolutley poured down. Despite this just the sounds of the insects and the hippos, the sight of the stars and lighting of the skies at night coupled with the fresh smell of rain was absolutley awesome. You know its funny what you notice when you take time to stop and take in what is around you. I fell to sleep a very happy person that night.
The next morning was an early start as we headed out on a game drive. It was brilliant, there was this pool with hippos in just as the sun was rising behind it ... it was just amazing. Unfortunately my digital camera was not working at that point so I was rather annoyed but there we go I had my trusty SLR thank goodness. We saw various animalsincluding elephant, hippo, springbok, kudu mongooses, snakes, monkeys and all different kinds of birds it was great. I unfortunately made the error of choosing the back seat which was highly uncomfortable at points especially when the road was rather bumpy.
We finished the game drive and headed back to the camp site , we spent the rest of the afternoon lazing in the sun and boy was it hot. I learnt a new card game called s*** on your mates, honestly I dont know who thinks of these names but anyway... I was rubbish at that . We ate some more and drank some more and then we went on a sun set cruise on chobe river. There were stacks of hippos in the water they duck up and down so quick. We also saw an alligator and lizards and elephants and several different birds. It is so wierd you feel like you are watching a 3D programme just like you see on the TV. Infact I felt at one point I had witnessed a murder when this massive red beaked bird stole an egg from another birds nest and ate it. The other smaller bird quite understandably was going frantic. You cannot blame it really, Mr Attenborough desrves a pat on the back for having to witness such atrosities over and again!!!.
After the cruise we went back to the camp site. The towns and the set up of the houses were interesting. It seems that some people have shack type buildings constructed in some haphazard manner and others have these round huts. We do not actually get to speak to the people of these towns as we are dashing form one place to the next but it would be quite interesting to find out more wiht regard to the way they live.
Another night in the tent and our next stop is maun.
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