So after finishing the scenic flight we headed back to the campsite for some gnosh and a few beers. It was to be an early start the next day a long drive day which would involve burning in the suns rays sitting at the window and lots of drinks stops because inevitably people were going to get hot, i mean come on people it was reaching the sweltering heights of forty degrees in the shade!!!!
So after packing everything up we headed towards Rundu,Namibia. There is nothing much to tell from this day because mainly all we did was drive and i was referred to affecionaltely as garbo woman or dj as all i seemed to do was lift the bin lid for people to put rubbish in and select the tunes to listen to on the stereo.... im so multi talented i know!!!
So we stop off in town to do some food shopping and as usual we had to have three people to keep guard at the truck. Some kids came and stood arund the truck, the y are actually quite sweet all they really want is some food. It was actually quite difficult as right next to the street kids there was a kid from a fairly well off background, i mean im sure we have these contrasts at home they just seem so much more apparent here.
So we got to the campsite and there were i was so excited to say sprinklers on the lawns yey!!! I was like a kid running around attempting to get drenched in the sprinklers he he he. After Martina (our tour leader ) had finshed running around shouting gobble gobble gobble at the guniea fowl we got round to making dinner...... fish and chips.... camping style.
It was an eventful cooking session we were trying to cook chips in a saucepan with vegetable oil. As you can imagine there is brilliant temperature control on a saucepan..... yes you can hint a tone of sarcasm in my voice there. Well we managed to et the saucepan on fire and gosh it smoked and stank the whole campsite out. I had just done some washing but you can forget that for a start you could have just called me smoky jo. We did not give up on this cullenry conquest there oh no, we persevered, we were not going to be put off by a chip pan fire no way man. Anyhow the outcome was good and nobodys eyebrows got singed which I have to say was brilliant.
Anyway the usual chored of tidying up and packing away were done and then we went and had a few games of pool with some f the locals. They were a bit over confident of themselves so we soon said goodnight. The night hadnt ended there as later on someone tried to pull one of the groups tent down as you can imagine i was ever vigilant ready to deal with any intruders!!!! We eventually got to sleep in the end.
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