Got the greyhound form Canberra at 23:55 for an overight bus to melbourne. it arrived here at 8 am. i got myslef to my hostel on the tram. I am staying in a hostel in St kilda. Its got an irish pub downstairs so there karaoke and quizes and bands play at the weekend. My room wasnt ready when i got here so i dumped my stuff and went down the beach. it was lovely. like weston- but nice! And it soo hot here. monday was a scorcher. you just couldnt go out in it! but staying in with a pint was fine!! anyway, on my first day, once id got into my room i met a bloke called mick (cetic fan) and he said there was something happening down the beach. so we went down there. there was music and a 5 a side turnament on. it was cool. lots of people. We had a few beers and when i got back to the hotsel Jan, the guy i met in Canberra, came over to my hostel and we all watched a band here. Its a nice hostel, cheap, they give you brekky and theres also discounted drinks and a meal for $6 every night which isnt any old crap- its actually off the menu. so yeah, i like it! ts only 15 from the city on the tram.
So on my 2nd day it was pauls day off. guess what? we went for a few beers!! then a few of his mates from the hostel joined us and we had a great laugh and then decided to go up the casino!! Its the biggest in the southern hemisphere- its HUGE! after abot ten mins i was $135 up but as my name is laura and i am a mug i didnt do what paul said to do and cash it up. so i ended up only $25 up..... oh well!!
The next night I did the neighbours night and got my photo with Karl "the legend" Kennedy. He was lovely and so was libby. God knows who this other guy who was there was. he must have been someone whose been in it a while as here was very full of himself! Great night and very glad i did it.
I did the Phillip Island penguins on tuesday which was superb. we went to a nature park and i saw koalas and wallabys and kangaroos. all sorts of animals! i handfed the 'roos and the wallabys. and also a very pushy goat! then we were to the penguins. the sun was setting and we had been waiting there ages. watching the sea to try and see if there was any penguins coming. There was a seal out there. prob munching the penguins aas they came in, but there were no penguins. Then all of a sudden the sky went pink and then the penguins came. a few at first and then loads of them. we watched a few come on the the shore and then we got up and you can watch them waddle home right next to you- well on the other side of the fence. unfortuanly you couldnt take photos but it really was awesome. i got a pic if a baby penguin earler in the day anyway when we were somewhere else.
The next day i did a tour of yarra valley wineries. it was great. we went to 4 wineries and now i actually know something about wine istead of that it just gets me drunk! I also ate kangaroo with dinner. Its good karma isnt it? to feed one one day and eat one the next? it tasted like beek only rich. yumyum!!
Then yesterday I did the great ocean road. Its nice to say that ive been there as it may be the only time i get to but one ay was definatly not enough. i felt we were always being carted off to the next place and that i didnt have time to relax and take in my surroundings. the guide then took us to see koalas in the wild. we saw 2! yay! we walked through a rainforest. and then we went to the 12 apostles for sunset. which was lovely. but a very long day!
Tobnght i think i may go the MCG. Victoria play tazzie in a 20/20. not sure yet. ive got another week in melbourne as there really is just so much to do here. but ive got a hostel in the city next week.
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