Lush Life
Hey again.
So it's day two in Hong Kong, but I think I had best just update you on last night. I didn't manage to make it to the market cos I fell asleep...Ooooops. And then I woke up to find my room colder than outside, and as there's no heating, I came up with the genius idea of putting the shower on hot and running it, to let the hot steam warm up my room. Although, it didn't turn out to be all that genius after all, cos instead I set the fire alarms off, and about 7 hotel managers and the Hong Kong fire brigade ended up banging on my door to make sure I wasn't on fire. Er, oooops again!
So, today I've been up to all kinds, I went on these escalator things, that go up the side of Victoria mountain, cos it's really steep and people live up there and there are shops etc, so I suppose it's a really good idea, but it's mad, cos they quite literally go up and up and up for about 20 minutes. I then had to walk down them all though which wasn't as much fun. Got some good pics of them though.
And the weather was better today, so I managed to get some better pics of the skyline. I also went on the ferry to a nearby island, to visit the Big Buddha. It was good, but very cold. Got a few photo's of me looking freezing, and windswept, and I'm sure you'll appreciate the odd assortment of hoodies on hoodies that I'm having to wear cos it's still freezing.
Also got a look at how the buildings all light up at night on my way back, and got a couple of nice shots, but I'm back tomorrow night when it's properly dark to get some goodens. I also went to Temple Street market for a bit, but decided I needed to get back to get food etc, and get my photo's on for you, so I'll be off there again tomorrow for a proper look around.
I hope you all enjoy my pictures.
Hope everyone's well, miss you, love Lauz xxx
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