Had a bit of a lie in this morning as my body's alarm clock seems to be set to 12am!
Went down to the musient after some warm oats porridge and had a look around. Went for a 5km hike along the Waitomo Walkway which included mud, mud and more MUD! My shoes are no longer clean!
Spent the afternoon reading and chatting to an English girl in the sun - VERY relaxing! Caught the bus to Rotorua at 3pm and arrived at 5:30pm. Have room number 21 in this trendy bacpackers called Treks. It's modern and really nice. Have two other girls in my dorm who haven't met yet. Can definitely smell sulphur in the air from the geysers and mud pools but not as bad as i thought it was going to be. I bet by tomorrow morning i won't even be able to smell it. Now i'm off to eat my cup of soup for the third night in a row! (Can get a different flavour tomorrow....yes!!)
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