Vancouver is beautiful - the streets are lined with trees and there is water in every direction. Our first two days consisted of bright, welcome sunshine but it has been raining non-stop since then. Vancouver decided it would be nice and ease us into the cold weather! Our apartment is really cute consisting of a kitchen, lounge, little dining room, bathroom and bedroom. I was originally in the bedroom but have now moved out onto the sofabed in the lounge as I was getting up early for gym and waking Cait and Ben up in the process. We have everything we could possibly need within walking distance which is great. Cait and I have become addicted to the buritto place across the road called 'Steamrollers' and there is also an amazing Gelato shop a few doors down from us. (I don't think that this is a good thing though!) There is also a Starbucks across the road on the corner! :o) None of us have managed to find a job - nearly every shop has a 'now hiring' sign up but we are guessing that they are all getting ready to hire for the Christmas rush. We hired a car for two days which was great - we visited Capillano, Grouse Mountian and then drove to the end of Marine Drive where we stopped for lunch in a beautiful little Canadian town on the water. Caitlin had left some ski stuff at a friends house last winter and we went to get that on the way home at the end of the day - we got slightly lost on the way - kind of ended up on the top of a mountain!! (Mainly due to Cait's roadmap skills...haha!) It was hilarious especially when i spotted the sign 'snowboards for hire' with absolutely no sign of snow anywhere!! Slightly offtrack you think?? It was worth it though because the drive was absolutely beautiful. The second day with the car was spent buying ski equipment which was really fun. I bought everything i need so am all set to go! I only have one obstacle in my way now - learning how to ski without hitting every tree on the way down! I think i will be very black and blue after the frist day and Cait will have a six-pack from laughing so much! It's getting colder by the day averaging around 7 degrees! We are going up to Whistler on the 26th to check-in to staff housing, have our interview on the 6th of November and then check-out of our apartment on the 13th so we have a few trips in which to take all out stuff up. (Which there is a lot of!) My computer decided to break on me but I will try and keep you updated as much as I can!
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