Hi, it really has been a while since i last updated the journal. I didn't use the internet at all in Fiji so i ended up VERY behind!
The end of New Zealand continued to be really fantastic. A few nights in Queenstown ended up being a week because we had really cool people in our dorm and ended up not wanting to leave!! We were like one big happy family - had meals together, drank LOTS of tea together and bonded over games of indoor crazy golf and luge riding, i mean racing! It got to the point where we just had to leave because of time!
Our next stop was Dunedin but we were here just one night as there wasn't so much to do. We then had a night in Lake Tekapo and our hostel was positioned right next to the lake itself.
Christchurch was a nice place and we spent time mooching about the shops. My favourite was a huge bead shop - could have spent a whole day in it but restrained myself.
I flew back to the North island to Tauranga via Auckland. I stayed with some lovely friends in Mount Maunganui for a few nights. It was such a luxury to stay in a beautiful house and Diane cooked me a roast dinner!! Whilst i was there i took a strole up the mount to the summit to see 360· views. It was a beautiful sunny day and the exercise felt good. We visited a Kiwi plantation place which was really interesting and the tasting was good too! On the night before my birthday, John and Diane took me out for amazing all you can eat Chinease - such a treat.
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