Lauren's round the world trip
Hey guys!
Ok iv skipped part of my trip as i just cant keep up - and having no computer for a while doesnt help!
Any way when i get moving il have some mor pics up so you can see what iv been doing!
Well its christmas eve right now and sure doesnt feel like it,
In the Bay of islands at the moment, with Craig and his mate Dan i love it here i could live here forever!
Been sand boarding - which is crazy loved it
Tired body boards to the back of the van and drove through the river which was mad!
Went on what they call the mack attack yesterday to the hole in the roch which is just like a speed boat but all good!
Christmas tomorrow and have more crazyness linned up for that so you\'ll have to wait and see what happenes!!
Well speak to you soon and thanks for the messages!!
Love Lauren xx
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