Walking sideways like a crab, making music work real bad, from your feet to the top of your head go crazy with the feeling.... you don't wanna go to bed!!
When am I coming???????
Your Loving Mummy X
Hey T,
Missing you loads but good to hear what an amazing time your having!
So you and Lau are quits now, I think you should leave it there, no more little falls please!
Ross is most probably sitting on the plane on his return home, Can you believe how quick his time has gone, he is going to be so depressed to be back!
Saw poor Dom last night, I say poor Dom...She looked like a celebrity all made up and looking beautiful. She was telling us that Ross has it all planned out for Thursday...A little nap to start, then off to rugby club and home for spag bol! I like his style.
Daddy and I are still looking at flights, hopefully going to book by or at the weekend, can't wait!
I was sad that I couldn't get through to you yesterday, will I get another chance before you go into the jungle...watch out for those slimy snakes, oh yes you've already been doing that!!!
Love you lots T, miss you loads
Take care, keep happy!
Love always Mummy x
WELL!! it certainly has been a while since i left you two a message, sorry about that!
i've been doing a laura and have been sick like a dog, so thats been fun however i did drop a few pound because i literally threw up my life (which is nice) so the drip is getting closer WOO! i'm sure you've heard that we've had brilliant amounts of snow here. it has been immense, no one could go to work, well i couldn't! tara im sure you would have loved it! i'm pretty sure even though you're ot here the dogs got their fair share of winter fun! i lost DeNiro in it haha! but Laura don't panic, he is safe and sound!! i know you were worried!
you are both looking tres sexual in your photos! i wanna be there so much! anything to get a tan! it also obviously looks so so fun!
i'm trying to think, i cant think of anything major i have to report! oh yeah i'm engaged....JOKE haha not for a while yet! erm what else, work is poo, well you know just boring, the usual! havent been out much as i hate hertford, ans everyone in it lol! im waitin for you two to get back so that we can go bk to 195 and lick some more ppls shoes!i nearly got slapped that night for turning up that ponsy boys collar!
right ppl are looking at my computer! peace out! lots of love! i wanna come out for a holiday!!
p.s weeman is still an annoying little wart!
So I was lying in bed last night chuckling to myself thinking why the hell do I have answer a sum everytime I want to leave a message. After some careful consideration I relaised that Headteacher Millard is making sure our maths is up to scratch! By the time you reach America we'll all have to complete complex equations lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you're both well, seems like ages since I last heard your voice Lizzy please call home soon and make sure I'm in!
Missing you loads, Love Bug x
Your Loving Mummy X
Hey T,
Loving and missing you loads!
Finally sent you your email...I think you'll be impressed, let me know?
Good luck on your next long trip... I shall be thinking of the two of you, how's the snoring?
Have fun, keep safe you two and hope to see you soon..................
Love you always Mummy x
Nan And Grandad
Hi girls,
Sorry you are hating every minute of your trip but glad to see that Laura has got herself a job (Sweeping in Vietnam) although not sure you should be wearing such a short skirt.
You both look nicely tanned and no excess weight as yet.
You will be excited to know that we are in the process of going on the internet - god help us and all those we can contact.
Lots of Love Nan and Grampsxxx
p.s keep the photos coming.
Your Loving Mummy
Hey T,
Gemma is lying again, Im not huffing and puffing.... In fact I've just been catering to her needs, getting ingredients for her five pound Jamie Oliver recipes..ha ha my shopping bill was £20 more!!!
Photos are lovely, your so lucky you too, when are we coming to meet you and where, I can't wait to get something booked?
Gem said your meeting up with Ross again soon, that'll be nice, I feel that your safer when Ross is around!
Loads of referencing today, yuk! Having a nice ploughmans first and then head down!
Baby yoga next fri, sat and sun, you should see my little chinese baby doll they have sent me I need to buy her an outfit, Gemma is spooked by her!
Love and miss you loads, Take care you two, have fun, keep safe
Love always Mummy x
TARA RA RA RA RA RA. In case the opening line of this email didnt give it away - its Bru. Sounds like your having such a cool time and the photos look quality. Im loving you new range of t-shirts, particularly the Rolling Stones one and the headphones one. So nothing much has realy changed here. Andrew Hitchmough brought in a duck for Nigel the otherday. He'd shot it at the weekend and told him he would bring it in so he could have it on the weekend. You'd have thought he would have plucked and gutted it before actually turning up with a real dead duck in his rucksack. They had to hide it from me - for obvious reasosn i think. Oh am going skiing with Rob, Rich and Sean in March. As usual Rich has gone totally overboard with his holiday accessories, buying, ski's, the boots, the all black "bond-like" outfit and oh yeah a helmet with a video camera attached to the top and a snow shovel to build jumps. Woop woop. Takecare and speak soon (your sis is telling me im hogging the machine). So BA BYE x
Poem to come x
Wow my boyfriend is like a woman, I ask if he wants to write a brief message and seriously we've had to delete half the essay. So it's Saturday morning, I'm sitting here with my pj's on and cuppa tea. Mum has just arrived home from food shopping so you know the drill we have to help with bags.............I've sent Bru along to represent me!
You're pictures are amazing, I so wish I was with you! Work is pretty hard core at the minute I felt like walking out the other day. Lobbo came round Wed evening we're trying to arrange a girlie holiday, not sure whether it's gonna work out you know how dull my mates are! (I hope none of them read this). No exciting news to report this end.
You current journey sounds like hell Lizzy, I hope you make it safely! Let us know!
Best go and help mum now, she huffing and puffing!
Love you lots G xxx Ben and Harry send their love although I think they love me more than you now. Sorry, but I wasn't the one who left them and I've told them you're never comng home!
Hello gorgeous girlies,
Just been having a read catching up on your latest adventures from my bloody boring office at my bloody boring desk and cant believe how much you have both been doing, it all sounds absolutely amazing!
Wish I was there, love you both lots xxxxxx
Jo Turvey
Hiya my darling Tara and Laura. I love looking at your photos and all your stories ... sounds like you are having a super adventure. We are all missing you but at least this site lets us see what you are up to !! Weather here is awful, cold dark and rainy, even hailstones yesterday !! Jamie is off to Liverpool this weekend clubbing with his mates and I think we are having Megan and Thomas for the weekend. We have just booked the caravan for the two bank holidays in May, firstly taking Megan and Thomas and then going to take Mum there for her birthday, 82 !!! Alan working hard but business not very good. I now have a new role where i have to visit all the breast screening offices in the London area to make sure they are following guidelines, so spend my time on the dreaded tube going anywhere from Edgware to Barts, still the weeks go quickly. Alan spoke to your Mum tonight, your dad was watching football. Have to ararnge to meet up with them soon, we dont see them often enough but this time of year you get in from work and just wanna stay in warm !! Anyway enough of our boring life what are your plans after Cambodia ? I cant believe your phone bill, how on earth did you manage that ??? I look at Tinas fb and it seems she is just having one big beach party !! I dont think she is having quite the travelling adventure that you two are.....It is now 11.30 at night, jamie just back from Lakeside shopping with the boys and alan is asleep in his chair (ahhh !) Just watched big brother, that Verne is soooo funny !!! Anyway my darling princess, just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts, we miss you loads and love you millions, take care and continue having a wonderful time and take lots more photos xxxxxxx
Your Loving Mummy X
Hi Tara,
Well you have reduced me to tears as usual, makes you realise just how lucky we all are.
Great your enjoying the relaxation of the beach, enjoy!!!
You and Lau are looking really thin apart from that nothing much changes, Lau is still showing off her knickers!!! ( re: picture) Nice stripes!
Have fun, take care and from time to time give us lot here a thought!
Love you the world, always
Mummy xxx
YES the projectile vomit....FINALLY! it was boound to happen at some stage! Oh god i can just picture it, and bloody hear it! (UUUURRRRRR!!!!) haha! 'just one more little fishy'
lovely to hear from you as usual girls, ur tans make me feel positivley sick! i am so white, you can't even tell i'm wearing a white s*** today...NICE!
weeman is the bain of my life, i can't get rid of her!we're discussing the possibilities of Australia! WOO! both kate and the perl left me out of a conversation on facebook the b****es, they wont get rid of that easy MAHAHAHA!!
anyway chicks glad to see all coolio in the land of THAI!Missin yuo both as usual! Muchos love! stay classy!