r u...all that jazz bla de bla...............KINNNNNNGSSSSSSSS OFFFFFF LEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOON????? in.....kings OF LEON???as in leon of THE KINGS??? holy mole. Mum was like oh yeh and laura was hanging out with some band....who was it....kings of leon or something.....I WAS LIKE YOU WHATTTTTTTTTTTT : l. I will like you to tell me exactly how and when you gave them my mobile number, email address, address and facebook name. any day now i expect to hear from them you see. you best ring me and fill me in you social butterfly. www.excitement DOT COM. x
Claire Larden
Hello Tara!!!
I have finally got around to looking at your facebook page which lead me here. Mum told us off when we went there the other week (in a nice way) for not emailing you, but I honestly didn't know anything about this & thought you were just sending email messages like Gem did and thought I'd been left off your buddys!!! But now i know.......
WOW, it looks like you are having an amazing time! Lucky you! The photos are fab. I was well impressed with the tiger ones and Thomas & William couldn't believe it - we love tigers in this family so were dead jealous!! You look soooo skinny!!! I thought you was slim before, but you look even more like Paris Hilton now!! You look lovely, I hope you are eating well?! You are obviously drinking well!
We missed you at mums the other week and at Max's christening on Sunday which went really well.
We are all fine. Thomas getting bigger and cheekier by the minute, but very cool and handsome and loving school and of course his break dancing lessons. William also well grown up and very cheeky, with a good 8 year old teacher. He is still keeping me awake at night! He has just started playschool so bulling his eyes out everytime I leave him, but starting to get a bit better now - touch wood!
Look forward to reading all about Austrailia.
Keep enjoying yourselves and be safe
The Lardens
Your Loving Mummy X
Hey T,
Good to see the new pic's, I can just about see you two, your getting so thin!!! Still looking beautiful!
Hope Kirsty is doing ok now, any news?
Finally your packages are on their way.....Hope they don't take too long.
Love and miss you lots
Keep safe, stay happy
Love mummy x
Ahh good, get to Australia and I'll book some flights. Hopefully you'll be a little less swollen/burnt/infectious by then!
Jessica Stadel
Laura, you are a gem and I miss you. Jealz you are out and about in Asia, hope your eye doesn't fall out, and I hope that they are feeding you lots of food. Miss you, so does Sheila's scarf. I hope it has wrapped many in it with you! xx
Kate's Mummy
A lovely way to spend a dreary sunday afternoon reading your blog. Presdales certainly taught you girls how to write descriptive passages! Kate's cousin arrived in Bali this weekend from KL and no he is certainly not ready for the laura/taras of this world but thanks anyway!Hoping for lunch with Kim SOON.....think she should start a blog so I can keep track of her too. Take lots of care, although its probably more fun not to!! Love Ann x
Hey Girlies!
Lau I bumped into Kimmy at lunchtime, we agreed you two are doing far too many life endangering activites, but I'm impressed you found a group with more interesting hygine habits than you!
Loved hearing the latest news from your neck of the woods, I'm trying to wangle a business trip to Kuala lumpar, so far not going too good so don't wait for me there....Maybe I'll drop you a wee email soon with all my non-exciting news, again I wouldn't wait for it, it won't be that good!
Over and out my loves, keep up the good work and keep having some buckets on behalf of your absent freinds.
Bar Ramsden
Hi Laura
Looks like you are having a wonderful time, even though it be a little alcoholic!! (Been looking at the photos from New Years Eve) Envious of your tan, looking good!
You have been missing so much snow and missed you not being here to do snow angels. No one else was mad enough to go out with me and so I couldn't go out on my own I know I am mad but didn't want the rest of the neighbourhood knowing.
Looking foward to reading your next blog. Steve is missing you and we are missing your laugh. Take care and don't talk to strangers.
All our love, Bar xxxx
Mumsy Millard
Hi Laura,
Loved the pictures and glad you both survived the diving. Well done both of you for passing - I think I would prefer watching the diving from my sunbed though. What other death defying stunts have you got planned - please tell me about them when they are over - it is a wonder my hair is not whitel. You driving home late at night down the country lanes now seems like a picnic in the park ha ha.
We had a nice weekend in Leeds/York this weekend. We are off to Canterbury with Julie and Dave next weekend so that should be fun. Anyway stay safe and have fun. Miss you loads
Love Mumxx
Your Loving Mummy X
Hey T
Hope your having a happy day!
Love and miss you lots
Mummy x
Your Loving Mummy X
Hi T,
Hows the diving going, having fun, seen any Elvis fish on your travels?
Looking forward to hearing all the latest news...Your not missing much here, still cold and wet!
Your Bro's say hi, both doing well and still exercising their vocals!!!!!
Keep safe and happy
Love you lots Mummy x
Your Loving Mummy X
Hey T,
No more making you go down the Log Flume Eh!!!!!
Love the Pics, I'd give it a go if ever I get out there!!!