Hello lovelys photos r fab.Where u sat outside whitehouse we have an exact photo of aunty nan in the same place. Keep them coming stay safe,loadsa luv a.jeanxxxxxxxxx
hi you two hope all is well with you just packing majorca here we come .Cant wait speak soon love you lots mum dad fay and hannah
A. Jackie
thought I'd log on in my lunch break to see what this blog business is all about !(didnt cover it on ECDL!)Wow how many photos only got half hour hour lunch on flexi drive - some things never change - will have to look tomorrow as well to catch up.Florida next to say I jealous is an understatement ! Take Care lots love A Jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Big Papa S
Good morning you two , I have to admit these diary entries and pictures are making me jealous, I'm trying not to look too often. Looks like you're having an ace time, I've spotted a definite trend to your trip so far - 1. see the sights, 2. (and more importantly) eat and drink as much free stuff and alcohol as possible! haha glad you're enjoying yourself, keep up the good work! Remember be safe, be seen, be good xxxxxxxx
In the mean time, I've decided limerick-writing is going to be my new full time career:
There once was a boy called Brian, He wasn't very good at lyin', Around the world in a year, Drinking lots of free beer, And when he got back he was Hawaiian!
There once was a girl called Laura, She had a round the world ticket but went to Majorca, She had wonderful eyes, In Australia for mince pies, And by mistake lost Brian's fedora!
Bex Waz Max N Bru!
hey u2! photos are fab- looks like ur havin a ball!! have fab time in dc keep an eye out for obama - iv got the radio one borak obama song in me head now!!! take care x x x x
Sarah And Gav
hey ! sorry its taken so long to write you a message! looks like you're havin an amazin time the photos are great! especially love brian's comment on the ape things at the museum of natural history! i got that job by the way, started last week and i'm already wishing i was halfway across the world like you! have fun wherever you end up next, take care both of you. xxx
Michelle Clarke
Hi Laura I've finally got round to sending you a mesage!! You both look like your having a grat time and you've seen so many sights in such a short time! Im so jealous that you have so much access to Magners!!! Think I may visit New York just for that ha ha.
So glad your having a great time take care love michelle xxxxxxx
Aunty Jean
hello u2 lovelys photos r fab keep m cumin luv u both loads stay safe.xxxx
Hey chicken licken! sounds like you're both having a wonderful time. I love the photos so keep them coming! Hope you have a great time in Philadelphia too - make sure you try the cheese! Take care both x x x x Helz
Mum N Dad
hiya love, check your hotmail account to see special message off mum x x x x
herloo x missing you lots. hope ur having a good time. is still cant believe that your going to florida with out me :( im off now for 6 weeks madee up. im count down the days so ya best hurry up :D x
love you lots
the mipster :)
loving all the photos an you both look so cool. looking forward to more of your adventures. take care xxxxx