We knew from the lady at the petrol station last night that we were only about an hour or so away from a town called New Plymouth, which by New Zealand standards is a pretty big town. We got there and parked up in town and went to a turkish diner and got some gorgeous chicken kebabs, they were so good and they sold Schweppes Traditional Lemonade in glass bottles!! Once we'd eaten we had a look around town and Adam found a music shop and wanted to get a pickup for his guitar so had a look around, after originally asking them to order him one that they didn't have in stock he managed to barter them down on a more expensive pickup! Once we'd looked around town for a bit we set of to look for a campsite, having not stayed at one yet we needed to charge the battery! We parked up and put some laundry in and had showers, the showers were so good, really powerful and hot, far better than any we had in South East Asia! We decided to check out the nightlife seen as though it's Saturday night and we're in a relatively large town. We got ready and had a few gins in the camper then phoned a taxi about 8.30ish. When the taxi driver picked us up he told us that New Zealanders don't tend to go out until after midnight so we were really early. He dropped us off at an Irish bar which he said has live music on. When we got in there they had rugby on and it was pretty busy. The barmaid told us it was a cup match so that's why it was so busy and people were so passionate about it! We got I.D'd at the bar and we had our driving licences with us, the barmaid said she would accept them this time but normally in New Zealand the only accept passports from tourists... After the rugby finished the band came and started setting up, it was 2 guys and a woman. When they started they didn't play a single song that Adam knew and I only knew the chorus to one of the songs as it had been on an episode of Sex and the City!! Their song choices were so bad but Adam said that musically they were awesome and really tight. The couple on the next table to us must have thought their song choices were terrible to as the had 3/4 of a pint left each and they just left them! We finished our drinks and decided to try somewhere else, we found a bar just up the road where there were two guys playing, one on guitar and one on keyboard. They were really good and played good music too. They guy on guitar had 4 guitars with him on a revolving stand and kept changing guitar for each song which Adam said was stupid! For some reason the guy behind the bar gave us 2 baby Guinness for free which was a bonus! To say I don't like Tia Maria or Baileys it was pretty nice! I got talking to a girl in the ladies who later on came and started chatting to us and had me go and dance with her and her friend, Adam started doing the foot dance and whilst one of the girls, (Fatima) who lives in New Plymouth, thought it was hilarious and started doing it, her friend, Sunshine was adamant that it is not a dance!! After a while Fatima and Sunshine said they were heading to another bar and asked if we wanted to go with them. We headed to this other bar with them which was ok, not great music but it was ok. Because Fatima lives in New Plymouth she knew loads of people, Sunshine is from Texas but is living and studying in Wellington. We ended up swapping numbers with Sunshine and arranged to go to this place with her and Fatima tomorrow and then made loads of drunken plans to go down to Wellington with her and she would show us around etc!! Adam got talking to a girl at the bar who worked at a gym who said she would get Adam a free personal training session at the gym tomorrow at midday so he was pleased with that! Adam and I must have both felt drunk at the same time as we both just wanted to go home, we can't even remember if we said by to Sunshine and Fatima or not we just got a taxi and headed back to the campsite.
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