We arrived in Noosa early afternoon after a fairly short ride from Brisbane and when we got off the bus, shock horror, it was boiling hot! I knew I would like it there straight away. The weather has finally started to improve and it hasn't rained in ages which is great. We went straight to the hostel to check in and then headed down to the beach. The hostel is really nice and we had a great room, but it was a bit of a trek down to the front. We had to walk up a massive hill whichever direction we were going in. The beach was nice so we stayed there for the rest of the afternoon until it started to cool down. After that we had dinner in the hostel that evening and then I had to go to the pub to watch the football. I stress 'had'. It was Man U verus Chelsea, and Justin and Leejay supported ont team and Matt did the other. Needless to say I was very bored but everone else enjoyed themselves.
The next day we got up early so we could enjoy the sunshine all day this time. Justin and I walked up to the laguna lookout which was near our hostel. It was nice to have a bit of excercise for a change. We had to walk up a massive hill and all the way through Noosa national park. We saw a massive spider as well, the biggest one I have seen so far. It was worth the hassle though when we got to the top because the views over Noosa were amazing and I got some great pictures. After the much easier walk down the hill we went to walk around the shops and had some breakfast, before hitting the beach again. It was really hot by now and I had to buy some more sunglasses as I broke mine walking up to the lookout. I could hardly see it was that sunny! I am now on my 4th pair since coming away! We chilled out on the beach for the rest of the day. The beach was quite busy but was really nice, and the water was nice and warm too. I even had a walk along the entire length of it and back; I don't know what came over me that day! After we had a worked on our tans we headed to the lake where there were public BBQ's and did a bit of BBQing oursleves. We bought loads of food and it was lovely and the area around the river was really pretty too so we stayed there until the sunset. There were some amazing house there too and I thought 'this is the life, I could live in one of those!' After walking back all the way up the hill Justin, Leejay, Chris and I went out for a couple of drinks and to the cinema to see 'Street Cops.' We had to get up early though because the next day we were going to Australia Zoo.
I was so excited when I woke up in the morning because I had been looking forward to going to the zoo since we got to Australia. We had to leave about 8 in the morning to catch the free courtesy bus to the zoo. They even played Steve Urwin shows on the bus to watch to get us in the mood for when we arrived. When we first got there we took the shuttle bus around the zoo so we could see where everthing was and get our bearings. After that we went to feed the elephants. I had already done it loads in Thailand but I still did it again because I loved them. After that we went to the Crocoseum so we could watch the crocodile show. It was so hot by then that I was burning up a bit sitting there but it was really good to watch. They bought out some snakes and birds first to show us, then out came the crocodile. They told us about it and fed it so we could see it snapping it's jaws. It was really good but I couldn't help thinking that I wish I had been able to see it when Steve Urwin was still alive and see him do it. After that there weren't any more shows we wanted to see so we just walked around on our own. We went to the see the tigers and the elephants first, then we walked down the koala avenue where you had to spot them in the trees, then stopped to feed some kangaroos. We also saw aligators, wombats (which are my favourite) venomos snakes, birds, dinogs, tasmanian devils, cassowaries and much much more. We looked at the Steve Urwin memorial too. Just before we left we did my favourite thing of the day; have our picture taken hugging a koala. They are really cute and I had wanted to hold one since we got here so that was great. They had some big claws on them though so it was the most comfortable experience. After that we caught the bus back to the hostel, but we had been there all day so we were all completely worn out. It had been a great day though and although the zoo wasn't as big as I had thought it would be it was still good fun. We didn't get up to much that night as we had to get up early to leave for Hervey Bay. We just went out for dinner then crashed out after along day!
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