We were excited to see Sucre looked like a traditional Spanish colonial town and loved its Western style, making us feel more at home! This time our hotel seemed like a Palace and we looked forward to spending three nights in one place. Despite it being so close to the end of the tour we eagerly dressed up for our first night out! The group were amazed to see each other in new clothes as we headed to Joyride Cafe which later turned into a small dancefloor with DJ. In an attempt to forget her actual birthday, we celebrated with Priya downing multiple drinks and cocktails all night. Everyone had a great evening, dancing for hours and singing at the top of their lungs along to the cheesy European pop music!
Arriving at the Dino Park the following morning we were met with huge replica plastic dinosaurs. They were accompanied by noises such as growls, breathing and human screams which sent us into fits of hysterics whilst trying to listen to the dull tourguide. We had expected to see dinosaur bones and footprints and were shocked when he pointed into the distance at some miniscule blobs on a vertical limestone wall, claiming these were the prints found in 1994. The wall had been pushed upwards by the movement of the tectonic plates during an earthquake in Sucre and the city now prides itself on its main attraction, with dinosaurs all over the city! Perhaps if we were six years old we would have found this a fascinating and enjoyable school outing but nonetheless we enjoyed straddling dinosaurs for photos and mimicking the noises around the park!
After a group lunch, we split up to go shopping in a recommended upmarket area. As we reached the street, a small boy was squatting taking a dump in the gutter and this was a sign of things to come at the shopping market. Far from Bond Street shopping, the outdoor market sold chavvy lycra clothing and dirty jackets under which small children were sleeping! Suffice to say, we came back empty-handed! Exhausted and feeling the effects of South American food, the two of us had a quick snack and had an early night to prepare for paragliding early the next morning!
Along with Jason and Priya, an adventurous day was in store, heading on a scenic journey taking us to the top of a cliff ready for our flight into the valley below. Emma being the smallest went first, with a huge gust of wind lifting her high into the sky before she had time to run off the cliff. Enjoying her flight, her instructor decided to show off some skills spinning the parachute in circles over and over before landing in a crop field 600m below. Laura, on the other hand, did not have such a smooth take off! Not wanting to run head first off a cliff, the wind did not pick the parachute up and she found herself falling off the edge, sinking into the valley with the instructor shouting "s***, I think we´re going to die!" filling her with confidence! Luckily, the wind eventually picked her up and she had the longest fifteen minute flight over the valley before landing in a field of mud surrounded by locals´ children.
After the four flights were completed, we sat to have a picnic lunch overlooking the valley. Our car served the local community as free transportation into Sucre but what Jason did not realise until he sat next to it, was it also served as a breast-feeding unit! We were slightly concerned when we were all asked for our bottled water to cool down the over-heated car engine! Whilst waiting for our guide to find more water from a nearby stream we were exposed, in a discovery-channel style, to a bull and a donkey mounting one another!
After a fun-filled trip we arrived back in Sucre in need of some pampering! Finding a local salon Emma braved a foreign haircut and style with a non-english speaking woman whilst Laura had a manicure and pedicure for the insane price of 3.50! Feeling much cleaner than we had done in a while, we dressed up for a Salsa-themed evening and our last night with the tour group. Thinking a slumber party in the room seemed more appealing than a big night out considering the state of everyone´s stomachs, we happily chatted and Laura answered many questions on the Playboy Mansion (Emma had no clue!)
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