I love the pictures, thanks for taking the time to upload them. Ben had a good first football game though they lost. The kids start school on Tuesday and I've been invited to a start of the school year party for mom's right after we drop the kids off. Can't wait to hear all about the rest of your trip! Love you.
From Kay - Hey, Tia! What's up? Do you like yuroupe? Have you got new clothes yet? I won my second soccer game. so far , I'm undefeted! Mady Hope is sleeping over. But , I can't wait to hear about Italy!
love kay
Hey Lani: you should try and make that film festival in Venice. A little late notice now, but what an opportunity. I'm checking your site to get an update about your whereabouts. So far I can't find anything. Luv U Mom6
John C Bogert
Hi Lani....Looks like fun...Send me a few details about you trip arrangements if you get a few minutes.Tour company,where you booked,Etc Love John C
This is from Maria...Lani: Mh son Del Zamora is going to be in Venice, Italy beginning on Aug. 28, for a film festival as his latest movie has been accepted for that festival. He will have tickets to all the events, viewings, parties, etc. I can't remember all but if you get a chance maybe you can get a chance to get in touch with him as he could get you in to lots of the events. It's really exciting, lots going on, lots of producers, directors and lots of actors and actresses there, you can rub elbows with them. If you are interested, you can look up the internet info. His movie is "The Searchers" and Alex Cox is the director, he is the one that did Robocop. If you don't find on the inernet, let me know and I'll get more info in the next day or two. Have a great time, wish I were there. Love, Maria
Here's Bonnie's address: P.O. Box. 3182 Danville, 94526......
Chad"s 4484 Timberline Crt. 85297
Heidi's: 36 Klainecrest Ave., Fort Thomas, Ky. 41075
Patti's: 414 Ressiquie...Boise, Id, 83702
I'll send this site onto Bonnie and Chad...Jamie, so check it if you can. Luv U