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Florence, Ohio
Slept at a rest stop in Florence Ohio that reminded me of Peter Fonda's "Race With The Devil". Creepy woods.

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Hamilton, Ontario
In 24 hours we will be hitting the road in the RV. Destination DESTIN Florida, Ft. Walton Beach. Gulf Coast or bust !!!!
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Cincinnati, Ohio
Driving through Cincinnati. One of the most beautiful examples of fine skyscrapers around (Atlanta is beautiful too).
Bengals stadium is in the photo.

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Toledo, Ohio
Ahh Toledo. The home of BAD roads and dilapidated houses.
Also the home of Cpl. Klinger of MASH.
AL SMITH You crossed at the Detroit Windsor Border.... Forget the Guns, bombs, and Anthrax.... FOOD seems to be their biggest priority at times.... you lost your tomatoes, - be thankfull they didn't impose a FINE.
re: Lexington, KentuckyGaye You did say 'Florida or bust', didn't you? LOL! Sound like you really need that beer!!
re: Jupiter, FloridaLourdes in Dallas Liz, that is so funny. When we traveled back to Dallas in August, those jerk's did the same thing to us. 2 beautiful large tomatos, i hope they choke on them
re: Lexington, Kentucky- last visited

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Kelly Have a great trip!