Day 88
Wednesday 28Oct
0630 (29Oct)
I woke up yesterday morning covered in bites. Drew had insisted on leaving the window open and as a result my hands, arms, shoulders, neck and feet are covered in little red spots. To make matters worse none of them touched Drew!!
We slowly got up at about 8 and packed before our breakfast was ready for us at 830. The Breakfast was different. What kind of a sick freak cooks breakfast for two guys and does 1 egg and 7 bread rolls. Neither of those numbers are divisable by 2!! So I stabbed drew in the throat and ate it all.
After breaky we grabbed some last minute things. Spent the rest of our konvertable mark and headed to the bus station. The bus trip was a little better then the previous one to Mostar. The bus was cleaner and it was a lot smoother.
I wasn’t sure when we’de crossed the border into Croatia. We went through about 5 checkpoints in total. Each one they checked out passports, but none of them stamped it of scanned it. I hope this doesn’t cause a problem at the next border.
At one of the checkpoints there was a problem with one of the female passengers. We sat around for a while, then a border security guy came back and said something in Croatian. Everyone started getting off so Drew and I followed. We sat outside for a while before the problem lady was led off the bus and into a room which we couldn’t see into because of the reflective coating on the glass.
We set off again. The drive down the Croatian coast was the most beautiful trips I’ve taken so far. All the islands and lakes made it so picturesque. At one of these lakes we stopped for a short break.
At one point during the break Drew jokingly said he would lick the bus. I don’t know why. And I said he was too much of a chicken. He said “Whatever, you lick the bus” caught in my own trap I gave the bus a quick lick. Next I bullied Drew into it. He took it one step further and made a decent 6 inch lick up the side of the paintwork. It was so funny. Possibly one of the contributing factors to my ill health.
I was feeling fine yesterday morning but by the time we got to Dubrovnik at about 1400 I was freezing. It was made all the more worse too by the hoards of people spruiking their different rooms that they had too offer to us. We caught a bus into town checked into the tourist centre and found a pharmacy. Dubrovnik is very much westernized and first world and as a result not only was I able to find soothers but I was also able to get pheudoephidrine, cold and flu tables.
1545 (29 Oct)
We’re at the Croatia, Bosnia Border, on our way to Montenegro. Bosnia has a tiny slither of coastline so as a result we have to pass through it to get to Montenegro. Hopefully we’re not here or at the next border too long. I don’t think it really matters. I’m pretty sure it will be dark by the time we get into Montenegro anyway.
After the trip to the pharmacy we did a bit of exploring. The old city at Dubrovnik is really beautiful. Everything is so clean, but it’s not like Windsor castle or one of those other places that looks really fake. It still looks really old, there’s still cracked walls etc.
We’ve left the border. No idea where my passport is. Maybe the bus driver’s just holding it untill the Montenegro border.
After walking around we sat down for a coffee and just decided to head back up to the main bus station where our bags were and to wait for Marijo, our host for the evening to call us.
I’m pretty sure we’re at the Montenegran border. I don’t think we once went through a Bosnian checkpoint. I guess no body wants to sneak in there and people only want to sneak out. The montenegran coat of arms is pretty funny. It’s similar to the Austrian symbol. A two headed eagle except this one is holding a sword and I cant work out the other. Although it looks like it’s giving you the finger with one hand and holding a massive…. Well you can work it out, in the other.
We ended up catching the third bus that passed us back to the main bus station. We learnt the hard way that you had to hail them or they drive right passed you.
After grabbing our bags Marijo picked us up in his work car. He’s a sales rep for Coca Cola so his car is one of those miniture panel vans all painted up with Coca - cola all over it. The front only afforded two seats so Drew and I squashed onto the one passenger seat with Marijo drove.
Back at Marijo’s we just chilled out. Drew and I were still feeling pretty knackered. I reckon Drew’s a bit crook too. But he puts on this crap bravado pretending that nothing is happening. It’s a waste of time. He’s ridiculously stubborn.
We’de grabbed a couple of beers so we sat around watching Mario’s pet kittenn chase various items around he floor. At one point the intro to Two and a half men came on.. I said “c’monnnnn English…..” they started speaking in English with croation subtitles. In unison drew and I called out “Yes” and exchanged a high 5.
We didn’t last very long and were in bed by 9.
Day 89
Thursday 29Oct
This bus trip is definitely the closest I’ve come to dying. We’re moving along the narrow Montenegran coast. The driver is either on full throttle or full break. Taking the corners hard. He’s only cruising when stuck behind a truck. Which he’s readily passing. We just had one incident where the driver pulled out to overtake 4 small trucks. Having less then 100m of clear vision. When we’de got past 2 of the trucks out of no-where a motorcylcist was heading towards us. The Driver steered into the gap between trucks 2 and 3 forced truck 3 to break and we only just made it in.
We’re just at some road works now where there’s only one lane. However there is no traffic directors and half way through we were at loggerheads with a couple of cars. We were bigger though so they reversed out.
The coastline here is the most magnificent I’d seem. As equally beautiful as the Croatian coast yet more… magnificent. The glass water is met but cliffs which rise straight up to and through the clouds. I’ve spent much of the last hour just staring out the window.
This morning I woke up with a killer throat. I walked into the bathroom and nessled right beside my tonsils was a massive lump, damn it, maybe I’ve got tonsillitis. Well if they’re both there when I get to Macedonia I’ll get kiki’s mum, who’s a pharmicist to get me a course of antibiotics.
We grabbed a lift into town with Marijo on his way to work and by 8 o’clock we’d locked our bags away and we’re back in old town. We sat down for breaky. I had an awesome ham and mushroom omelet while drew looked on and ate his bakery food.
Next we decided to walk around the city walls. This walk provided some of the most picturesque views I’d been given my whole travels. The water was so clear, the walls sticking out of the water looked fantastic without looking fake like a lot of the places I’ve seen.
After a spell at the internet café sorting out our accomodation for budva we caught a ferry out to Lokrum Island. This place has an old monestry on it. Although during WW2 the monks were walking around it with candles and one thought he heard a voice of warning. The next day they were all killed by an invading force. So they say that the island is cursed and that you cannot sleep on it.
1810 (Oct30)
This lump that was on the inside of my mouth next to my tonsils has turned into an ulcer. It’s kinda grosse and every now and then is really painful. The pains are few and far between though and I reckon/ hope it’ll be gone by tomorrow. If it’s still hanging around by the time I get to Macedonia I’ll have to get some antibiotics.
In Lokrum we walked around the island checked out the unused monestry and had a look at a small lake called the dead sea. It didn’t look very dead. We next had the best sandwiches ever at a small café on the island. There was a couple who sat down beside us. They were Aussie but I don’t think they thought we knew. It was kinda obvious though by the hushed tones that they spoke in as so that we couldn’t hear them.
Drew had realized that he’d lost his ticket for the bus on the way back and totally switched. He’s a little whinging b**** sometime. Wouldn’t even let me help him look for his ticket. He was being a whinging little b**** just sulking, just coz he’d lost a ticket.
After I grabbed stuff for dinner and bus tickets while drew watched we headed up to the main bus station and grabbed our bags. And sat waiting for out bus to Budva. It turned up nice and early which was good and left bang on 3.
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