The Morrells explore Spain and Morocco
7:15am in Barcelona!! Arrived yesterday morning at 9:30 and kept ourselves going until we finally hit the wall at about 7:00pm.
Barcelona is a beautiful city and we found an antiques market very close to the hotel in Catalunya Square - so that made Lionel very happy!
Had a lovely wander around the streets with our new-found friends, Alida and Peter from Sydney. Met them as we were landing in Zurich - sitting behind us on the plane and also coming to Barcelona. Their hotel is about 10 minutes away from ours.
Quite cool here, but as Tasmanians we're quite comfortable!
Already enjoyed some churros and very good coffee yesterday. Looking forward to tasting more local delicacies today!
Hope you enjoy the photos. See you next time!
- comments
Jill Totham Did you buy anything Lionel?
Helen White Found u looks like u 2 r enjoying this travel experience ! Enjoy and keep safe
sandra Templar I'm very jealous ,I'd love to go to Spain.Cooler weather is much better than the heat for sightseeing.Have fun !