what's up?
Had midterms today in Policy tourism planning and destination management. What to say? Soooo different from what we are used to, multiply choices, true/false and essay questions. To be honest, the multiply choices in policy planning were difficult, the questions didn't make any sense with the "answers". However, both of us wrote s*** loads on the essay questions, cus..that's what we're used to back home. U know, think outside the box, write your own oppinions and so on. The other exam was weird, everyone sat next to eachother, talking, and the teacher kind of helped some of the students. I hate when people ask me questions and want me to help them, and that's what the guy sitting next to me did. oh, be preperd or go.
ANYWAY, midterms=check!
Tomorrow is going to be suuunnny according to, so we are planning on going to the beach and be there as tourists the whole day since we have the day of! Take good care of yourselves ;)
Ciao / Bergsten and Jakobsson
- comments
Lena Hoppas att ni klarade er , lyckost er att gå till stranden , igår hade vi 18 grader varmt sååå skönt , men idag ska det regna upp och ner med vädret , ha det riktigt gott ! Njut ! Kramar mamma Lena
Pappa Alf Göttegreser. :)
Marina Ja jag se5g att du ge5tt med. Tack ff6r det! I ditt fall se5 funkade erse4ttningen och 25 kr setats in pe5 mitt medlemskonto. De4remot se5 har kommission ff6r en annan ny medlem inte fungerat. Jag vet inte om det var se5 att den medlemmen inte fyllde i hela profilen men jag ska hf6ra med honom.Eftersom Sponsorcar inte visar ne5n klick-statistik se5 har jag cloakat en affiliatele4nk och lagt upp pe5 en annan sida. De5 kan jag se statistiken de4r e5tminstone.Uselt att SC inte kan erbjuda be4ttre statistik, det ff6rlorar de pe5 i ff6rtroenderacet.Fortfarande har inte provisionen kommit ff6r de leads jag genomff6rt.