i have been soo lazy updating my journal and i thought i do it while its freezing outside. iam now in Bariloche in the andes and the weather has been very cold. Spent the past day shopping for more winter clothing. My collection so far - a pair of hiking boots, gloves, wooly hat and a jumper. Since my last entry ive travelled to …
i have been soo lazy updating my journal and i thought i do it while its freezing outside. iam now in Bariloche in the andes and the weather has been very cold. Spent the past day sho…
Arrived today in Rosario. Went to Hostel Inn Rosario but unfortuately it was fully booked, looked like a chilled out hostel aswell. Was recommended to another hostel not far away called …
Hola Amigos
Spent the longest time ever on a coach from Buenos Aires to Iguazu Falls, an entire 18hrs. But I must admit that it was pure luxuary. It puts National Express to shame. Sits f…
Met up with Yogesh's two young Argentinian female friends yesterday, they showed us around and took us to this traditional local resturant. The food here is pretty good, well there isn't…
Finally my journey begins. I've managed to make it to the hostel in one piece, good job my sign language is kinda ok and it is very difficult because no-one speaks English. It took t…
ukas deprtment
Oi, too right wheres the photos.
Where all missing your thermal testing abilites.
See you soon keep safe