Just received your postcard today dated 12 Dec. Happy tp hear you are enjoying your travels - what an amazing experience. I expect you are so pleased to have Anthony with you for a couple of weeks - it is wonderful to share such a wonderful time with him, albeit a little time. Poor Chloe will be on her way home next Monday, 7 January as her knee is very sore. Such a pity.
All is well here and we had a super Christmas and New Year.
Hope you continue to enjoy the experience of a lifetime!
Lots of love, Nan
Muriel Lipton
Hi Darling Kerry,
Wow - what a wonderful experience and it is lovely to hear all about your travels. Of course Natalie keeps me in touch with what is happening on the other side of the world. All well here. Looking forward to Christmas. Hope you have a good one, wherever you are!
Take care darling and hope you continue to enjoy your time away.
Lots of love, Nan
Natalie Taylor
Can't believe how much u girls have done already! And 2b honest it feels like u have been gone for longer than nearly 3 weeks! I don't know how u sleep with all the wildlife around u! But keep safe lots of love x
Hey Kerry, Miss you so much at work,no Monday morning hugs! The new guys just don't seem able to get a handle on SIMS. Looks like you're having a great time - soooo...... jealous - refuse to write that in the now all to common TOWIE way, being from Essex n all.. Keep us posted - big kisses, oh, and no surprise you're Mammy x
Wazzy Cazzy
ladies, how is it going. Sarah and Kate I see your mum doing the school run every morning, yur little bro is doing fine. Kerry you are probably the sensible one so look after them and mind Niamho, she is very needy when hungover!!!
Muriel Lipton
Hi Kerry, well you certainly started your adventure in a poor way, but no doubt you all quickly recovered from your dodgy tummies. I hope you continue to enjoy your time in SA - it is a wonderful country. Be careful and I look forward to hearing your latest news. Lots of love, Nan xxx
Hiiii Girls!!! This is such a good idea!! Glad you arrived safely and are enjoying it all so far!! Looking forward to seeing more of what u get up to!! Lots of love xxx
Wazzy Cazzy
Kerry, thanks for the updates, glad Sarah is doing her usual, getting pissed and falling asleep, and thank god you dyed Niamho's hair ha ha, safe travels and keep us updated xx