Hello to all from Washington where we are staying for one more night before boarding a train for 20 hours to Chicago! Sorry the blog is only just up and running, we have been slack(what a suprise!) Just gonna share a little bit of what we have done so far as we've passed through New York, Boston and Washington. On arrival at New York we were told that our backpacks hadn't made it and were still in London, probably wouldn't fit on the plane as they are so big/heavy! After a rocky start we found the hostel, which was fab and the backpacks arrived the next morning, hurrah! Our joy was then replaced by pain when we had to lift them, cue much help from kind American men! Very impressive! Anyway visited Broadway, Times Square, the Empire State Building, Ellis Island and a few shops (not for Katy's benefit!!) and fell in love with NYPD men...suffice to say we did not want to leave New York.
When we were nearly at Boston we asked a train man to help direct us to our motel, notice we did not type housde of horrors! The lovely train man, who turned out to be Irish (small world) told us it was bloody miles away, 40 to be exact! We stayed smiling, got a taxi only to turn up at a motel straight from an American horror film. We stayed 2 nights out of four! Took a while to sort out new accomodation but the parts of Boston that we did see were really pretty and the highlight was going to see the Red Sox play Toronto Blue Jays. I made a major faux pas by asking for help to find out seats during the Canadian Anthem, Helen was less than impressed. The lady shut me up and then after the anthem showed us to our seats...which then we told to move out of...and then back to our original seats. Eventually me and Hel were practically lifted over two chairs by some kind but very persuasive men who we soon got chatting too, we did not look graceful in the process of musical chairs!
The next day we went to Salem, after visiting Dunkin' Doughnuts (our new best friend!) to see where the witch trails took place. Thankfully neither of us got hanged, burnt or staked. Salem was really interesting and picturesque. On the way back to Boston we waited 2 hours for a train, thats right 2 hours! After 6 days of being side by side with each other, conversation was not at its finest!
Next we took a ten hour train to Washington, asking directions to our hostel from a police man (of course!) andpointing excitedly at the whitehouse...days later and we realised it was not the whitehouse! Anyway we found our hostel and as we walked in we had to take our shoes off which sparked off a crazy chain of events in which my bag strap started to strangle me and in helens crap attempt to help she knocked over a huge array of building materials with the backpack, not the classiest entrance! Anyway Washington is gorgeous, we wish we had longer here, the weather is beautiful, as are the men! Not to mention the amazing landmarks such as the whitehouse which we located after taking many wrong photographs!
Think thats all we can remember for now but will hopefully keep up to date with the rest, lots of love katy and Helen xx
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