Hey, if you still can, we'd love a seashell, pebble or seaglass you find on a Caribbean beach!
Hi guys you must be having soo much fun
It's really nice to hear and see what you guys are doing because its like being there with you
Lots of love Josiah
Hope you both are finally feeling great and are having a really good time love you
Jaimie: mom won't be able to text you from Castaway Cay. It's not part of the USA it's in the Bahamas and therefore not part of our phone texting plan. Texting will have to wait until Orlando, Oct. 1.
Will not be updating blog for a bit, at least not until I find cheaper wifi than on the ship. I'll see if I can find some when we get back to Florida in October.
Manda Mcarthur
Wish we we're there!! (We got an offer for the house 313)
Nice place to message. Oh wow! Hope S gets over that cough! lots of love!
hey, a place for random messages! KS Cruisin... for a bruisin! That is all. :)
I sure love reading your blog !! Great writing and it is very interesting to follow - I hope all goes well getting past the storm !!!