Hola familia y amigos!!! This is gonna be short just to give you a quick idea of what's been going on, I don't have much time right now!
Last weekend my whole program was in Granada. I LOVE that city. It is beautiful and mountainous!!!! While we were there we toured some "barrios" (neighborhood type things) that had a lot of arabic influence and they were very interesting. On Sunday, we went to the Alhambra, which was incredible. The picture at the start of this blog is a picture of it. It's in the running to be one of the 7 wonders of the world. We had a great hotel and the whole weekend was just grand!
This week has been pretty normal, very busy because I had more homework than usual as well as an exam. When classes are only 3 weeks long, there's not a lot of down time between big assignments. So far, all grades are good!
I've gotten pretty used to everything about my life here and I love every second of it. I think I like it more each day, and while I can't wait to get home and see everyone again/sleep in my own bed/etc. I'm most cerntainly not going to be ready to leave here.
I hate to go when I could say so much more (this is probably a relief for some of you though, haha) but I've gotta get an hour I've gotta be ready to catch my bus that is taking 11 friends and I to Tarifa, a little surf town in the very southernmost tip of Spain....suppoesedly some of the best surfing in Europe. We are booked at a hostel called The Melting Pot for 2 nights and from there we are taking a ferry to AFRICA!!! I CAN'T WAIT! I'll update my blog very soon after returning and let you know how it goes!! Plus I'm sure I'll have tons of pictures to upload!!!!
I hope everything is going well for all of you in the United States of America, I miss everyone so much!
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