In 1910 my great aunt Evelyn voyaged to Africa from England to help her sister take care of her first born in Fort Jamieson, NE Rhodesia. Aunt Evelyn travelled by train, ship, paddle steamer, bicycle and machila, a journey of 9 weeks and 2 days. For 296 miles she travelled overland with her brother in law George who was my grandfather, up through Nyasaland to Fort Jamieson in NE Rhodesia. They rode bicycles apart from about 60 miles when she was carried in a hammock like contraption slung between 2 poles and carried by 4 native "boys".
Evelyn wrote a diary which has been the inspiration for our modern day adventure. We won't be able to even vaguely follow Evelyn's route, however we do expect to find Fort Jamieson (now Chipata) and the Lutembwe River after which the youngest daughter was named.
My dad was born there and, sadly, my grandfather died of pneumonia further north and is buried at the Northern end of Lake Malawi. He died before his 4th child was born.
I have dreamed and schemed about this trip for decades and at last we are ready to Squander the Kid's Inheritance on the trip of a lifetime. And so the planning begins!
- comments
Carolyn Simon Inspiring intro Kris - can't wait for your first travel blog. Are you packing a hammock? And what ever happened to great aunt Lutembwe? Have a fabulous adventure x
Helen Riddell Have a wonderful trip,it's many years since I've been in Africa , I loved it and I'm sure you'll do the same. All the best XXX
Lesley Bray Hey Kris, got it and so looking forward to hearing your adventures, safe travels xx
Chris Laing This is wonderful, Kris. I am going to really enjoy riding along on your shoulder through this blog. It's not long now till you take off. I hope it meets your best expectations!
Lawrence Radcliffe You and Peter will have a grand adventure. I am proud to journey beside you.
Anne Well written and very interesting Kris. I am really looking forward to your travel blog and photos. I hope you and Pete have a wonderful time on your your great adventure.
Alexander Foote Phew,,,suddenly take-off time is here. Wishing you and Pete safe travels & will be following you every step of the way.
Tom Laing This is my first ever post on FB. It occurred to me that an appropriate acronym for Squandering the Kids Inheritance is SKI. So you can say you're off on a ski vacation without inducing anxiety in the children. BTW, the trip and blog sound great.
Tom Laing Oh crap. I see now that you'd already pre-appropriated my witty anachronism. Goes to show how smart you are.
Donald Guy Just remember to pin point the Farm, which is name of the stream, on the outskirts of the Old Fort Jameson....There is school nearby with its name if I remember correctly ...hope your transport allows you a stop over there...Cheers Don.
Robyn Great to catch up with you in Auckland, have a wonderful trip and so looking forward to your blogs, photos and yarns upon your return to civilization. Have fun