Hellloooooooooooooooooooooo! Oh my goodness, yet again a last time since we spoke so I am wacking one big fat blog of Chile and Bolivia alllll into one!!! Luckily my week in Bolivia didnt involve to much cultural stuff so that sectoin wont take long!!! Right, so here we go...apologies for the longness of this il try and make it as breif yet descriptive and as informative as I can! So we left off in Pucon if my memory serves me correctly! So we will begin on my return to Santiago.... So as soon as our organiser leaves me and sian are already in a mess....I only booked one bed for our belvoed Sammy hostel so Sian and i ended up having to share a bed...but it was half the price so works for me!! Next monring we had the famous pancake breakfast sammsy offers which was amazing, and thenw e had a pretty antisocial day of backing up allllll our photos and catching up on stuff etc....I did a bit of sunbathing in the day to try and regain some of my tan.....i want sunshine back!!! So yes, abit of non day of worrying about budgets etc....and then sian went and splashed out inthe super market and bought us ravilio! LUXURY!! Thanks siany....good times!! We then left that night to get this bus to La Serena..a beach town!! We can sunbathe.....beach.....woooooooooo sun! HOW WRONG WE WERE. Freezing. Freezing. Freezing....who knew that Chile actually is what it says onthe tin. Chilly. FREEZING! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We were planning on spending four days here ot get the tan back. We stayed one. compeltey non town, hardly anyone at the hostel. all abit mwehhhh. Oh well, to be fair its hte first place weve been where we havnt liked, not much to talk about it, very boring!! ehehhehe but its all good, the bed sheets were colourful! Soooooooooooooo Tuesday the 31sttttttttt we arrived in SAN PEDROOOOOOOOOOOO! YYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Oh my god, amazing amazing amazing place!!! Absolutly loved it! Stunnng little, one streeted beauty of a lil village townything!!! So we arrived, walked down the street and found our selves a lil old hostel which outside showers and loo´ kitchen. So sweet! AND IT WAS HOT! HEAT! Oh id forgotten what that felt like!! wooooooooop! Within seconds we met our roomates Kevin, Dillan and Liam, awesome boys! We went exploring this cute little place, and then all went out for dinner. We had a lovely 3 course meal, soup, steak and lemon pie gorgeous thing! We also all had pisco sours, the local drink that Peru and Chile battle over....either way...think its tipped my love for Brazils Cairprinhyas! SOO GOOD!! After dinner we all went back to the hostel and had some beers and a pretty hilarious evening of tales and stories....and then ended up going to a locals party!! This lady led us through pithc black feilds and walk ways at which point i was like...maybe we should go back?! But then we found it! House party full of Chilleans...only white people there! Was hilairous..we had turned up pretty early so got the dance floor up running! Dillan had an aming dance move which sian and i are officially taking round the world with us now1 Funniest party ever, because in Chile its illegal to drink atfer 1, and there were constatntly police patrolling, so every 15 mins the dj shut, everyone was shushing so we were quiet and we had to be silent for like 10 mins! So after this happended about 20 times we decided to leave! Got attacked by like a 1000 dogs onthe walk home, got back to the hostel in one peice through the dark and eventually went to bed!! Day 2 in San Pedro! Cycling day!! Oh my god, what a day of excercise! According to kevin and dillan we cycled about 30 miles today, I dont know if thats true but thats definatly what my bum felt like it was!!! We did a massive cycle to Valle de Luna.....once we got there we trecked up the rocks which is like this huuuuuuuuuuuge great big rock thing which looks like the moon! and the rocks look a little like oreo cookie chocolate!! Yummies...shame we cant eat it. not wise! Anyways..after our masisvelt long day we treck up this huge hill just in time for so so so so so pretty, piccies dont do it justice but it was stunning. So we all had a mo to relax up there before the treck back downa nd a million mile ride home! Knowing we were in for a killer, we hitched down the hill which saved us a few hours! Then got back on our bikes, and literlaly freewheeled all the way home (you have no idea how hard it was getting pu that bloody thing inthe first place!!! AGONY!!! but i was amazing at this...yes yes i was lol). So we carried on our free wheeling for a few hours, which then turned into riding in pitch black! But never fear......Dillan had his head lamp! hahhaha, we lit the way home...Eventually got home and had what was maybe the sadest moment for me yet. The most freezing shower oyu have ever ever ever had ever. EVER i think i was actaully crying in the shower and then for about a million years after but then Kevin made me a cup of tea so all was well!! The four of us went out for din dins again after to this nice lol restaurant, 3 course meal again which DELICIOUS SOUP. Then Kate ordered what she thought was mexican, but actually turned ou to be squid....but its ok cos i tried it and it was good! Go me being al adventurous! It was ok, kinda rubery and abit wierd but i ate it! Then had an amazing puppaya thing..yummies! Came back from dinner shattered with bruised bums, played uno and hit the sack!! 3rd San pedro day (we convided everyone to stay longer with us hehehe) Sand boarding!!! We are having an action packed couple days!! But we had to bike to get there with our sand boards on our backs, which made me very sad cos my bum hurt so ihad a bit of a strop and walked most of it cos it was super bumpy and im only little!!! Had a hardcore little tamtrum!! Anways!Was so worth it when we got there! It was soooooooooooo pretty! And apparently im actually amazing at sandboarding!! Such a fun day, lots of photos and awesome times by all!! went down it about 3 or 4 times, such a hard climb up!!! After, i sucked it up and cycled back up a huuuuuuuuuuuge hill and finally got back!! When we got back we bumped into the blondie boys from Rio again, who we bump into evvvvvvvverywhere!!! So was lovely see them , and we all decided to have a drinking sesh after dinner. So for the last time in San Pedro, Kev, Dillan sian, me and loads of other people from our hostel went out to dinner at a place sian and i picked and we have gorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgeous food!!! Everyone else got a bit done over with portion size but we were good, hehe. After we met the boys back, at the hostel. Alot of drink was consumed...and we also found out that one of the boys dad is a famous Cricket player!! So mum and dad i expect you know him....His surnames Lamb? He played for England with Ian Botham? I forgot his first name! Let me know if you know who it is!! Needless to say i got lamby very drunk in a drinking game which was hilairous..but now there out to get me when we next see them in La Paz!! hehhe funny night!!! So today was the beginning of the salt flat tour which we booked to do with the boys again....awww they are so nice! So lets head this Salt Flat tour into Boliva...hehe SALT FLAT TOUR We were up at stupid o clock to get the jeep. The first day consisted off crossing the boarder with breakfast seeing some gazers, which are massibve bits of land with loads of smoke coming out of them! Smells like egg but is pretty impressive!! The altitude was at 4800 at one bit, which is soooooo high but i was ok, just felt aware of breathing at times but was fine!! We also went in some hot spring which were soooooo pretty! After seeing lots of other pretty sights....we arrived at the hotel which was freezing, saw some flamingos at this stunning little place, ate lovely food, played uno, MET SOME BOYS FROM DORSET!!! i got very over excited.....then found out they wre the boys which was helf atr gun point in Rio which wasnt so great but YAY DORSET!! We all played uno...i thrashed everyone. Then put on all the clothes i owned and went to Bed!!!! DAY 2 Got up at stupid o clock again!!! Off we went on the tour....the jeep broke down for about 2 hours which was pretty funny!!! Saw some beautiful lagoons, and some dessert rabbits!! Who eat tomatoes....who knew! We had lunch at another breathtaking lagoon where i took some stunning was so pretty!!!! We played bowls with stones...which was pretty funny and then moved on to see more pretty things!! We then arrived at the SALT HOTEL. It was a hotel literally made of salt!!1 Which was pretty weird!! Again, ate some lovely food (STEAK AND CHIPS!! WOOP) played some Uno, and went to bed!!! Lame! But we were all pretty tired and the lights went out at 10 so the whole place which is pitch black!!!! DAY 3 Yes youve guessed it, got up at stupid o clock!!! This was the best day....we drove to the SALT FLATS!! which by the way are amazing, i cant believe we neevr even considered going to Bolivia and not seeing these, they are so cool! Just white...everywhere!!! Apparently it used to be the bottom of the ocean! So we drove to this "island" which is filled with cactus..amazing!! had a walk around, then went down to the salt to do the o so famous photos everyone does....which was right up my street! Look at theohotos to see what we all did, was so funny, dillan nearly killed me at one point jumping through my legs though!! lOts of jumping, lifting, human pyramids etc.... SO FUNNY!!!! After phot time we did more sights....had lunch, saw some bolivian markets and then hit Uryuni in Bolivia. Sad bye to our amazing driving Eppie...and found us all a hotel. The four of us stayed together again, went out for HUGE AMAING PIZZAS....then you guessed it.....played some Uno, and went to bed!! He ehehe. but this is so not tame..because we had no idea how hard we were about to Party the next day!!!!! So the next day we were all splitting off, Sian and i were going to Potosi, and the others were going down to Tupiza...BUT we couldnt so this stupid town has only one cash machine which we needed to get cash from before our 10am bus, so we waited from 8, it enevr worked. missed our bus, had to get this funny cash advance thing so then realised we would just have to get the night bus and go straight to La Paz!!! So we aid bye to Kev, had the day with dillan, bumped into the blondies again, had drinks, bought hats and headed off to la paz onthe craziest scariest bus ever!! We strapped all our important things on us under tops, like passports, cameras etc... so we coudlnt get robbed cos apparenty everyobe does on Bolivian bus´s, then prayed to stay alive cos everyones dies on Boivian bus´s!! so many go over!!! and boliva dont do roads.....just stones, rocks and rivers!! Was TERRIFYING!! BUT IM ALIVE so no need to worry!!! Then we hit LA PAZ if you ever go there.....god help you!!! So we were recommended to stay at Wild Rover by Kevin....its a party hostel girls youle love it. Dont think we estimated how party like it would actually be!! MY GOD!! Just so you know, this section is not cultural....we didnt see day light, and totally revolves around sleeping, drinking, and eating! So Im sorry! But we did meet the most amazing people ive met yet...and i miss everyone so much already!!!! DAY 1 The hostel was incredible, the cheapest yet, at 4 quid a night but has amazing beds, with massive duvets, a boudoiu or however you spell that room for the girls with light and a full length mirror, cinema room, irish bar, amazing food....and a hair dryer at reception to use for free!! FREE! AMAZING!! We has some drinks in the bar in the evening, and met some ozzie boys who we drank with..then we all headed off to bar called mongos and danced like crazy people all night, lovely lovely guys!! Espcially wes and Charlie!! We also bumped into soe more boys from Mellow yellow there, and the guys who we went to the football in BA with!! Crazy was lovely to see them too! Lots of drink was consuemed...but we leftat a very respectable hour or 3am which was good!! DAY 2 Today we actually did do something in the day..we went to the witches market and kitted ourselves out with every alapaca item you could possibly imagion, jumperrs, leg warmers, trousers....amazing!! We haggled, had fun, saw lama feutus´s and generally had a lovely day!! Then some other friends we met in BA came looking for us at our woke us up! So then we had a party night with them at our hostel with the ozzy boys tooo...woooooooooo! Fun! Lots of cocktials, became super friednly with the bar staff, got punished lots (cos if you went behind the bar you got held down and poured down your throat)so got done over with that lots but hey it was free!! hehe) We all then went to Ram Jam ( a club) which closed at 4 so we hit Blue...then Sian stayed there then i went of with the ozzy boys to another club and got home at about 7.30am!! Ammmmmazing night!!!! DAY 3 The morning was a horrible hungover day but we laughed it off!!!! But today Kevin turned up from San Pedro....and blonde boys from Rio!! Yay!! More people to party with! So in the eve we partyed with them and the Ozzy boys...much drink consumed...had an amazing night, danced on the bar, awesome!! This time we didnt go out tho, just drank in the hostel like silly o clock, sian got to drunk so we just went to bed around 3!! Still amazing though....we are making such good freinds in the bar staff too they are so lovely and offered us both jobs to work there, ohhhhhhhh! DAY 4 see now this is the day when we were supposed ot leave...but we extended it another day! woops!! I literaly slept alll day when the ozzy boys actually went out to do an actual activty.. "the most dangerous road ithe world" which is a bike ride which im glad i didnt do, loads of poeple die every year from it....not fun!!! But today two girls called Jamie and Sandra checked in who were absolute gems!!Two irish girls, the nicest girls weve met so far, so nice to have actually girly time!! We played music, got ready together, borrowed each others clothes...oh how ive missed this!! Weve literally only met boys along the way it was SO nice!! Also it was easter friday, dressing up night at the bar!1 So with the othe rtwo girls (jenny and nadia!) we raided the costume cupboard and made costumes....siand me where chicks...we made beaks and everything!!! soooo fun! So we went out with them this night, and the ozzy boys as it was there last nigt!! It was a fun night, got drawn all over which today i still cant get off! I was a ver messy night, lots of crying!! But soooooooooooo fun!!!! We went to Club 2..danced....told everyone how much i was gonna miss them and what not!! ohhhhhhhhhhh! DAY 5 We also intended on leaving today. But booked another night!! ahhaa I got up at 11 to watch the Blackburn Liverpool wishing i didnt! 4-0...not fun!! Anyways...said my goodbyes to Charlie...oh! Then later on said bye tothe rest ofthem, and wes!! ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I really miss them!!!! I chilled with the other boys all day while sian died in bed before hitting up another evening!!!!! We met Sheena and MIrah..went to Loki with them the Irish girls..and had a girly evening! Was Fun! Went back to Ram Jam for a Salsa evening and lots of fun was had!!!! DAY 6 We were definatly pplanning on leaving today. But were FORCED by the bar staff to stay another night. We also intended on staying in, but didnt. hehe We chilled in the bar allllllllll daaaaaaaaay long, ate. HAD A ROAST DINNER. my god. Heaven. In the eve us and the irish drank together, girly getting readys again. was plenty fun!!! Me and Dave teamed up against Jamie and her cousin for pool, WE WON TWICE! WOOP! was hilarioussss! Then we met some boys who will be in Fiji when we are..yaya!!!!! so we are going to meet up with them! We all went to Loki, then all went to a club with the Irish, the bar staff, the boys, and dave and then other irish cos it was daves bday..woooooooooo! Happy birthday Dave!!! DAY 7 We planned on leaving today....and wait............WE BOOKED ANOTHER NIGHT. Because according to the bar staff Monday is the best night to go out on!! But tomorro we do actually leave!! We found out thatthe bus was at 8am we were on a bg party night, pulling an all nighter by coming back at 7am then going straight to the bus stattion! which is exactly what we did!! hahahah Chilled all day, then had a massive one for our last night! It was quiz night! 2 rounds which we won, then a plasto round wihch was amaing!!! then a limbo round, which is nominated myself for with my amazing chicken limbo history..out of 13 i came 4th...i was veyr upset!! So we didnt win the quiz, but we did win the best quiz name but im not repeating it!!!! After everyone went out, Sian and I helped clear up with the staff and then went out with them too and met everyone at the Brass monkey, had AN AAMZING NIGHT! Got silly drunk! Had a lock in, had evry emotional goodbyes..then we left. Went back to the hostel, grabbed our bags, got the bus, still drunk. Crossed the border still drunk...did the bus journey still drunk. and got to Peru. MY GOD!!! It was the best week ever, and i miss everyone so much!! Especially Kevin, macca, Lamb, Ed, Jamie, Sandra, Jenny, Nadia, Charlie, Dave, Tero, Wes and Dan! As well as many others but your my favs!! Wow my fingers hurt, the longest blog ever, and whats more i cant upload photos here so its a photoless blog...but i will as soon as i can! Im in Cusco now..Inca starts tomorro. God help me, my body is dead from Alocohol....cant go on! Look out for when i can upload phtos!!! MISSYOU ALLLLLL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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