Karissa! This is Luis Legaspi (I hope you still remember me). Jane told me about your adventures and I've been trying to catch up. I'm heading off to India this summer and was wondering if you'd still be in India. Hope all is well!
Jen Wong
Sounds like you're off to a good start with a healthy mix of unexpected adventures, touristing and the requisit eating! Can't wait to hear more AND see photos. Much love.
Yes, I have finally returned to Paris...and this time I WILL remember it! ;) Thanks for all the advice and comments everyone, it is really nice to get them on the road. We have managed to do quite a few picnics, but never in the Jardin. Yesterday we had a very nice picnic of fruit, cheese, bread, and apple-violet juice near le sacre coeur (the church of the sacred heart). Paris has been amazing, more updates to come! But I want to hear about Chico happenings! Remember to send me news from home every now and again. :)
Patrick Berry
Ah, air travel and security...it has that certain je ne sais pas, oui?
Scott Jungling
Seems like just yesterday I was wandering the quaint streets of Paris… If you have time, I recommend a picnic lunch @ Jardin du Luxembourg.
At last she returns to Paris and I don't have to deal with the dirty looks I've gotten for the last 20 years when I say "you've already been to Paris - don't you remember that group of handsome Spanish cadets at the Eiffel tower who thought you were so cute?"...
Patrick Berry
And so the adventure begins. After the White House I always thing of The Supreme Court (could be my days working with EFF), but I will have to put "museums" on my list of things to see.