Rach's World Adventures!
Since last time I wrote I have...
- Found a home for my beloved backpack - quite sad actually, it did such a good job not breaking when I stuffed it impossibly full, when matatu drivers threw it forcefully into the boot and it bounced around when they tied the boot vaguely to the van.
- Cycled 35k the first day to the home of a lovely couple in Utrecht (pronounced with a nice hoicky, back of the throat sound that I have not yet mastered - sound more like I have furballs...).
- Learnt about Shiatsu, a kind of spiritual healing type thing. And ate tempay (kind of like tofu) which lead to a later midnight feast of museli bars (I'm going to blame the cyclists metabolism...
- Managed to cycle an extra ten ks or so around the city trying to find there house.. in the rain.. and the wind...
- Have almost gotten used to the fact that I get stared at all the time (makes me feel kinda like I'm in Africa again, but for different reasons) for wearing a helmet. Even the kids here that are like 5 don't wear them so I do appear to be quite an alien!
- Met two Australian touring cyclists (who proved there were at least 3 people in Holland who wear helmets). One said to the other "Beel, thees girls from across the deetch!" Translation in english - Bill, this girls from across the ditch. This was after they asked me if I was Austrailian - I almost ride my bike into a canal in outrage! Actually, it was nice to have someone to talk to about cycling as they were doing the same route as me, although no doubt faster!
- Decided that despite the suggestions for the names (thanks to everyone, aka four people, who entered the comp and no thanks to the others (I know your out there!) who weren't even tempted by chocolate prize) to call my steed Rocky in relation to the seat. Im thinking about getting a cuchioned seat cover to prevent having to ride in odd positions that make me go so slowly that little old ladies in their electic little cart things overtake me at about 1k an hour...
- Got to my destination yesterday only to find there were not youth hostels or camping grounds anywhere nearby (I guess thats why you research first!) so decided to cycle to next destination - another 35k. Did a total of 75k and my legs are definately feeling it!
- Decided that the Dutch people are one of the friendliest nationalities I've ever met. Not only do I have to ask for directions about once every hour but when I was looking for the house in Utrecht a lady stopped to ask me if she could help, than gave me her number and home adress in case I couldn't find somewhere to stay.
- Am now staying somewhere that resembles some of the hotels in Africa (result of arriving in the pouring rain when its getting late and picking the first place I found). It even rivals the African hotels for the toilets with the most 'detatchable'seats...
- Decided that after NZ (of course) that Holland is the most beautiful country I've been in. Its seriously gorgeous, plus lovely people, good food (mmm appelflans) and nice coffee - good combination!
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