Hi you sound like you have met up with some lovely folks hope your leg is on the mend you may have to find a massage person. Not long now until Hugh catches up with you. We ha vid had some awful weather it has been so wet there is water everywhere did get a frost the other morning. There has been quite a bit of snow up central way airport and schools closed in town it the winter festival this weekend. Can you believe how many ikms you have walked you have done so good Bye for now live the duffs
I did sleep well and everything dried beautifully. In a lovely private albergue sharing a room and bathroom with two other women 15euro. Great. 20 days today and starting to get the hang of it. Touch wood. Booked two nights in Leon. Love R
Jill Duff
I'd say that was money well spent both lunch and bed Bea and I have been up to get the paper cold and damp It is fantastice the kms you have clocked up half way just around the corner go you. Hugh will be leaving today not many more days until you catch up Hope you slept well and got everything dried Love from us at Longbush
El Jeef we bore even ourselves talking about our feet. I always manage to garble my attempts at language in an attempt to greet a fellow pilgrim I managed a cheerful mandah. He seemed pleased
El Jeef
Loved the pic of the feet. Are we going to get to see any more body parts? Hope you've been asking all your fellow peregrinos - "come estan los dedos? That phrase is enough to be considered fluent!
Thanks for messages guys. Yes Jill I have a couple of items for Hugh to bring. Jenny not much chance of me getting too tolerant. Inga my German companion mistakenly called them snorkers which I thought apt so never corrected her.
Glad to hear you are getting the feet sorted -what you will know about feet by the end of this trip! The flower photos are very cool - thank you. Try not to get too tolerant as you may become boring!! Must be time to inform a few snorers about how they should sleep!
Jill Duff
Gosh you are on a roll sounds like you have got the feet thing sorted loved the pictures of the toe socks and sandals Have you given Hugh a list of things for when you catch up to complete the final leg.Nice morning here blue sky a little rain last night Hope there were no snorers last night Love Jill and john
Well Rosalie recognition of the popularity of katiki pt may help get the protection the penguins need and the support you deserve. Here's hoping.
Feeling good. Have a few lessons to learn. A bit slow on the uptake. Take it easy listen to your body it's not all in your head.
Sorry 1 euro to go all the way to the centre but I got off 2 km short not by virtue but by mistake. Had a nice walk by river though.
Well you folk in the south keep your gummies on and your feet dry. I did catch a bus for four kms walking on roads and footpaths is harder on the feet than stoney paths for some reason or maybe it is psychological in that you have arrived but not. Really 8 kms to enter the city. Anyway I think it is humbling to compromise and I am on a journey of humbleness.