Hi everyone,
Not much news to report from here, except our excitement to be going to Fiji next week for a whole 2 weeks!!! We can't wait. KP and I went out for dinner on Saturday (she was going stir crazy) and we amazingly bumped into a guy called Doody from Edinburgh, who I know through Rosie. He was out with 4 of his school mates so we've hung out with them a bit, as they turned out to be lots of comedy fun, in fact some of them might be coming over this arvo to watch Notting Hill and the Office season 2 boxset... So random to bump into each other in New Zealand, it really is a small world. I would also like to clear something up... KP really hasn't been kissing any strangers, we're all baffled as to how she caught the glange. But it was DEFINATELY not from kissing random strangers. Besides that, not much to report to so I shall go, but lots of love, great to hear your news. xxxxxxxxxxx
Lola Koko
Flight sounded amazing, so glad you ladies are still having a wicked time despite the old kissing disease. im with chaddy on that one, kp, stranger danger and all that. love you lots. and as for the offer on telling me about whats happening in neighbours, PLEASE do. I miss it so much, its quite scary and very sad. What i wouldnt give to hear the theme tune at 5.35pm....
My news is the same. Working etc and having fun. just held a huge party last night on my terrace it was amazing but i ended up having to invite the random grumpy old man from next door, thought if i invited him he wouldnt complain about the noise and it worked a treat. He had a beer and danced salsa with some randomers who showed up from across the road, and then went to bed. im such a genius.
Off to the playa today. Beware of earthquakes please they´re not good for you. Love you lots XXXXXX
Chaddy X
Hi Kiddos,
Kitters sorry to hear bout the glands but that is what happens when you go kissing strangers! G sleeping through an earthquake very impressive! Ive been back at uni for 3 weeks now and have been doing some work which is not to bad relatively interesting. Just picked my modules for next year and they seem to invlove a lot more work than i have done this year so that might be a bit of a shock to the system. Had flu this week though so missed all my lectures- never mind. At the moment trying to decided where to go with john over summer... i want to go to moroco but he doesnt want to but he will get over ruled if hes not carefull! Its a shame that you have to cut the holiday short but hopefully it will mean that kp will get better soon and i get to see the both of you as it feels like a life time!
Anyways dont really have much to tell you but love you both miss you as well and have a good last month of the holiday Chaddy xx
P.S read r-js message- labour got it so nothing will have changed when you get back unless we are at war with another country!
Just popped in to say hi. Treating this as a little break from a boring essay on property law! Don't know if you two know, but today is polling day for the General Election. So things could be completely different when you return home, everything could have changed! By tomorrow we'll know. Anyway, hope you're getting better KP and hope she's not wearing you out too much, Nursie! Lots of love, Becky xxx
Hey - I know these girls and they could never get enough soap, product, bathroom, Babyliss etc.,
Just realised it looks like I am the mother from hell since I have not posted a message for ages! Must say, Nursey, sleeping through an earthquake is pretty impressive - are you not paid enough? Its been pretty busy here at Eastwood Towers - Dad decided the garage would look better if painted...forgot to mention how bloody pebbledash is to paint and we survived our different approaches to technique, so now said garage almost looks atrractive. Al and I went to Granny's on Sunday with Jess to look at houses. In the afternoon went to Bewl and guess what, yes Ellie actually went in and swam a few yards out to fetch a stick. Ah, there were tears in our eyes. The scenic flight sounded terrific - jealous as always. Hope you are continuing to look after yourselves, and not watching too much daytime soap...LYL Mum xxxxxx
Hi Girls. Sorry to hear you're having to cut your travels short, but you've done a lot in the time you have had and all of it sounds like it's been amazing. From your cheery tone, KP, and the fact that you're still able to go on trips it sounds like you're still coping with doing the travelling thing so all's not lost? Topping up your tan sounds like a good plan to me! Got to have some proof of where you've been all this time when you come back! Also, if there are places you're missing out on as a result of having to cut the trip short, all that means is a few places left unexplored ready for later life! Always a silver lining! Lots of love, Becky xxx
Little Glange And Nursie
Bonjour. Have just returned from an amazing scenic flight to milford sound. Yes, most of you will have fallen off your seats at the mere thought of us doing something, but we got up at 7.30, boarded a tiny plane built for mouse people with a pilot who looked like he was doing his GCSE's. But, with just me and nursie it was incredible, snow capped mountains, glacier lakes, waterfalls and cloud so close it felt like you could walk right across to the next mountain. It was lovely, then we landed at Milford Sound, a stunning saltwater lake with dolphins and dinosaurs. Yes, its true we have now visited Jurassic park and survived. Although.... There was an earthquake last night, 6.0 on the old richter and it scared the bejesus out of me. guess what, Georgie slept through the whole fiasco. Anyhoo, we're off to watch our old friend Nicole in her latest smash, The Interpreter. So love you all and muchos besos XxX
Howdy gals!!!
Just caught up with wee Amanda last night at work, and she was staying you were making a trip back a bit earlier!!! mind you, judging by the photos it looks like you've both had a blast! georgie your tan has come on nicely!!! looking good. i'm thoroughly jealous looking at all these pics, of which there are many. brings back some fond memories for me. wish i was there. see you in the summer. enjoy the rest of the fun!! see yas.
Thanks for your news - so sorry for poor old KP but hope her spirits are rising as she contemplates a work free immediate future. The thought of the holiday you two are enjoying just makes me grind my teeth that these things were not done 30 years ago when real men wore shorts - eh Drew?!
Take care of one another and enjoy it to the maximum - silver lining to the cloud is the thought of you back here in June when we can discuss the repayment schedule!!! I think navvying on site for a month or 2 should do. Love SD & MM
Hi! Not much to update here at the moment... we've made a lovely new friend called Sophie who is staying in our unit, she was travelling with her friend but she left and went home a few days ago coz she was homesick... Soph has a car though which is great because she drove us over to a place callled Wanaka yesterday for something called "Festival of Colour" which is an Autumn thing, lots of people in the streets and marching bands etc. There was also a really good Kiwi band called Goldenhorse playing so we caught up on a little local culture! A nice relaxing day for KP too, just strolling around town. We're going on a trip to Milford Sound on Tuesday which is supposed to be beautiful, and once again not too stressful. The next week we're planning a trip to the Fox Glacier too... we're doing a helicopter thing where we land right on it (which means no strenuous walking for the sickie either...) Apart from that it's just taking it easy and eating healthily (especially with the prospect of getting back into a bikini in two weeks!) Hope everyone at home is well, love to you all from us both mwah xxxxxxxxxx
Well done Nursey and thank you for looking after KP. Perhaps I could come to one of your sleep clinics? I think KP got the short straw when she was born, inheriting my poor sleeping pattern! It was good to chat this morning, KP. Your plan sounds eminently sensible and you should be prepared to change it again if the illness gets worse. It would be crazy to return to the UK totally wrecked, because that would put Uni in October at risk.
I returned this morning from another spell in NY and I am preparing myself for a weekend of cricket- 2 hours of nets tonight, 6 hours at RGS on saturday afternoon, Stoke CC dinner/dance on Sat night and Central Surrey v Eastern Surrey on Sunday afternoon! The weather forecast is good, so at least I will be able to work on my tan.
LYL and take it easy.