hey hunni, it sounds like you are having an amazing time. soak up enough sun to bring back here please...!! its a little cold!
Im very jealous and thinking of you both muchos.
take care love u xxx
Hi Katie
What fun you are having! I too enjoyed the photos. I can turn my laptop sideways for the portrait ones; Mummy can't, hee hee.
She says I have to point out to the world that it was on the postcard (which arrived Thursday) that you mentioned meeting Henry. Spooky! Loved your blog, too, and I love you.
Dad xxxxxxx
Hi Kate
Thought the smilie looked like he's wearing motor cycle goggles!!!
You must be pleased to get to a full stop for a day or two. Enjoy the sun sand and water.
I love the photos, especially the one with Henry. It may be a surprise to everyone else as the only mention you made of seeing him was in an email to us! So for those who don't know him Henry is a friend from Hitchin that Katie bumped into by chance on Khao San Road in Bangkok! As she said to us "How random"!
I'll send an email too with family news. No need to bore everyone else!!
Luna still looks for you and they both send kisses. Hope the kittens and puppies in the pics are rabies free. (Oh Mum!!)
Luv u loads. Mummy XXXX
Hi Katie
Hope you got previous email.
we are enjoying the blogs .
Grace is ONE on Sunday we are going to her party !!!
Continue to have fun
dont get burnt - lashings of sun cream !!
Love from all .
Auntie Sue
Uh uh! Hope you arent coming home a bikey. Your parents wont wear it you know! Hope you both enjoy the beach and sun and sea and relax. Dont burn.
Spect your Mum will tell you about our trip to Eastbourne. Took Gran to Henley the day before. Lovely day. Lots of love from all
Hey You
What a knackering trip. You must feel like you've been travelling for ever. I'm sure the beach is worth it though. Make sure you relax and enjoy yourself.
No exciting news here. Going out with Christine and the gang tonight, so that should be fun.
Love you oodles.
Hi Katie
We've joined your Fan Club i.e blog readership. Envied you re:motor bike - still on my list of things to do. Philippa did not wimp out of the walk: she very politely, as the hostess, kept Jenny company. Later that day your parents gave me a lovely birthday tea & tactfully turned the cake around so that it read 19!!
Love Geraldine
Hi honey!
It all sounds totally amazing! I am very green with envy at the moment, can't say I have any exciting updates!!
Very impressed about the motorcycle business!! Bet the sights are amazing!! Be great to see your photos!!
Take care missing you lots!! xxxxxxxxxxx
Alright Kitten,
Glad your having fun out there mate.
I'm sorry, i should have given you some army training before you went. I will have to beast you into shape when your back!
Its lovely and cold and miserable back here mate and you are not missing a sodding thing.
Refuse to believe you went on a motorbike ride, let alone one without a helmet! Sounds like something i would do. Good on you girl and just make sure you keep trying these things. Proper want an elephant now, if only to shut your bloody sister up.
Now to the bits i know your really worried about. ARSENAL are top of the league whilst the filthy man utd are second, two points adrift. I know you will sleep easier now.
Take care x
You are doing fun stuff!!
Great to hear your voice - missing you loads already.
I walked with Geraldine and others from EM around Ashwell on Sunday. Mummy wimped out and stayed in Ashwell with Jenny (who had a new knee on Mummy's birthday)
I start my no meat diet today - wish me luck
Lots of love
Dad xxxx
Captain Booty
how exciting (but slightly naughty buttons!) Glad that you are having so much fun. hope that you fed your elephant some buns. did it have sketchers and dungarees like mine? Prob not. love and kisses xxx
YOU DID WHAT!! I wouldn't even have the courage to get on a motor bike on the flat. Wow!