It is half term, doughnut, so hopefully they're all on their break and it will calm down come Monday.
Kayaking sounds wonderful, how gorgeous to get to see the monkeys so close, and all the fish and stuff. Look at you communing with nature.
Had to message you today, saw something on Breakfast this morning I just had to share. They've invented Big Brother for badgers. They shoved some cameras into a sett and monitored this badger family for a year and a half. They showed this one clip when a thunderstorm was going on, and a baby badger snuggled down, and I swear, put its paws over its ears. They were all talking about it. It was soo cute.
Love you oodles
Hi Gorgeous
Shame about the island and accommodation, but great news about the cocktails. Make sure you get stuck in, things will look so much so much better when you're half cut. Oops, probably shouldn't encourage binge drinking in one s young and fair as you.
Think you should go kayaking, sounds like a lot of fun, wish I could have a go.
Went out for a drink with Kay last night, she's really well. She sends you her love.
There were people filming a music video in Spirella gardens on Monday. Teehee. We were all ranged across the windows watching them shoot the same scene over and over again. All the men fancied the blonde model, so all the women were being really rude about her. We are awful cats.
Given up chocolate bars and cream cakes for lent, Easter's beginning to look a long way away. Was all cakes, but Vicky Berry persuaded me that a doughnut was a bread not a cake. Hmm, not sure about that, but it worked at the time.
Was so nice to hear your voice the other day. Miss you so. I love you honey.
Hi Katie
Bit of rough, bit of smooth, rich experience?!?
Other news from home which I thought might please you; Kiera didn't get the BAFTA for best actress.
As you know I am off on my own adventure to Israel a week tomorrow. I'm thinking of setting up my own blog, although I don't know how many internet facilities I'll find!!
It seems ages you've been away already!! Miss you loads already,
Love Dad xxxxxx
ha ha...
Oh my god i give up, back to school for me i think
ha ha . . .
Sorry open the terrible spelling
Hi Katie
Hope your having a fantastic time, from your pictures you look like you are hunoey
Not really got any news to report other than Emily has decided to leave Specsavers this weekend instead of the start of March. Amer is not a happy bunny apparently lol.
You look so well on your pics, the sun totally agrees with you.
Hope you get your shower soon...smelly lol
Take care
Andrea x x x x x
Hi Kate
Bad luck about your bungalow. Hope it's not too hot if there's no air con. Hope you find something to do!
Bit of news from UK. Aggy went out of Dancing on Ice last week and Tim Vincent this week. Rhythms of the World doesn't have to leave Hitchin after all (announced on BBC yesterday), as the Priory has agreed to have it held on their land. Very good news.
We had a nice meal with EM and didn't have to pay...yet! It goes on Dad's tab now he's back as a member!!
Keep having fun. Love you loads. XXXX
Auntie Sue
Loved all the photos, and envy you all that sun. Mind you for Feb it has been pretty good here the last 3 days. Enjoy. Love
It appears my spelling, or should that be typing has deserted me. Oh for spellcheck on this message board.
Hey Sweetie
It looks so beutiful by the beach, it's not that cold here, but the picutre of you and Jo in the sea made me shiver. So sorry you got sunburnt, glad to here you're staying covered up now.
I cooed so hard over the baby animals (especially the wellyphant). Bjorn thinks I'm soft.
There's some pretty cool ethnic stuff, you'll have to try and remember what it all is so you can tell me when you get home.
Snorkelling must have been fun, must be pretty amazing seeing all those fish, you keep hunting for Nemo.
Not much news. Skint again cos accidently spent the council tax money. Oh well, will learn eventually.
Miss you sh*tloads, Oodles of love. Debbie
PS Bjorn thinks you look fit in your 'kini.
Captain Booty
Hi buttons. loving the pictures, tho i've only just got to look as i've been being a letchworth person this weekend. dn't 4get the suncream, and loving the fact that you are still swiggin cocktails even tho u are far away!!! love and kisses xxxx
Nice pictures, looks like your getting to see loads already.