Hey everyone. Last day in byron bay, we are getting a coach to surfers paradise this afternoon. The weather has been really mixed, one minute glorious sunshine and the next it is pouring it down with rain.
2 days ago we didn't really do much, went on the internet, did some washing (clean pants christine!) and just relaxed a bit.
Yesterday we walked up to the lighthouse in cape byron which is the most easterly point in australia. We had a map but we still managed to get lost several times. And of course as soon as we made it to the top it started to rain. The view was worth the walk though, and it was something we could do for free.
Last night we went out with a load of brit guys, 2 from ireland, 2 from newcastle, some london, some the midlands. We played drinking games with them at the hostel and then went to cocomangas and cheeky monkies (the only clubs in byron bay). We danced on top of tables, just like the full moon party. It was a bit silly having a late night coz we had to check out at 10am this morning. I'm not feeling too bad but i think jo is a bit hungover.
We have booked trips to frazer island and whitsundays so again we are limited for time in the places leading up to it. We think we will spend 3 nights in surfers, 2 in brisbane (apparently its quite boring) and then 4 in noosa, where we can chill out a bit.
Hope you are all well, Lots of love Katie xxxxxxxxxxxx
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