Trek across Europe
June 30-31
Im in Nice. Im spending two days in in Nice. My first day i went to the Museo Chagall. The Chagall is a museum of Marc Chagall, an artist. Then on my second day i walked the Promenade des Anglais. Then i had gelati at Arlequin Gelati Italiani.
July 1-3
Im now in Nantes, for three days. On my first day in Nantes i did the Voyage a Nantes, which is a steampunk style elephant kind of thing that walks around Nantes. My second day in Nantes i visit the St. Pierre et Saint Paul the Nantes cathedral that took 457 years to complete. On my last day in Nantes i went to Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne, a large castle, it also has a moat.
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