so....didnt quite make it to hampi this weekend...although we ran shoeless through the train station of bangalore...but missed it by a whole half an went to mysore instead.
where we visited a auyvedic doctor... he was mental and had a gold tooth. we spent two hours there and he told us all about the values of natural oils and their properties...he told nell she had hair like pasta!And rubbed stuff into Kirsty and Nell's hair making them look like greasy monkeys.
Visited a couple of temples which were pretty amazing. We gave some offerings of flowers and got hasseled outside by loads of annoying selling people.
Our rickshaw driver let us each have a drive of the rickshaw, which was fun, Kirsty was rubbish (broken wrist, excuse) Nell was a little speed demon and Erin drove in very busy traffic and was a bit flustered.
Went to the Mysore Palace (v beautiful) where loads of Indian tribes came and asked if they could have a picture with us, because were westerners. Its keeps happening, quite funny but pretty crazy, we think we're going to start charging from now on! ha.
Tomorrow going to Chenai(if we make the bus), not back till nest Monday.
Over and out x
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