We're still in Luang Prabang. We planned on going to Vang Vieng today, but we had to change our tickets today becuase we weren't feeling very well. So hopefully we're going tomorrow.
Yesterday we came back from our 2 day trek and homestay in a Khmu village in the mountains (without electricity). It was INCREDIBLE! Ok, the first part of trekking (the first hills) was quite hard for two cookie monsters from Norway that have barely moved the last two months. But then it was easier and we enjoyed the walking better. We were hoping that there would be more people, but it was only the two of us and our nice guide Mr. Mee, a quite talkative and nice and flip flop wearing Laolum guy.
On our way up we passed two Hmoung tribe villages, and everyone were looking at us with astonishment, (since we're still blinding white, even after two months over here). When we came to the village we were followed by probably 15-20 kids to the house where we were going to sleep, the village chief's house. After catching our breath we went down to the shower, which was in the middle of all the houses and not covered with anything. Two women were showering, covered with a sharong, and kindly lent us their shower and soap (they also had collgate toothpaste up there!). They were laughing at us because we were still in our t-shirts and shorts and did the quick and easy version. A little cleaner we went back up to the kids, and did our best trying to break the ice with some frases of Khmu sentences, (they did understand some of what we were trying to say).
Then we played some games with them. One there was a pig and a tiger and a circle, and the tiger had to catch the pig and the circle could (if they wanted) protect the pig. When we were the pig and the tiger the WHOLE village was laughing so hard!! And especially hard when Kine almost crashed in one of their houses! (we do understand why that was a bit funny;). The playing was even more exhausted than the trekking. They also played a game which we in Norway call Bro Bro Brille. Fun!
Then we ate with our host family, the chief and his wife, and Mr. Mee. Sticky rice and fish was on the menu. Was a little difficult to communicate because of the language barrier, but we enjoyed ourselves a lot. Before we were done the kids came up after eating dinner and visited us (and watched us finishing the meal). Then we gathered on the floor around a couple of candles and our guide turned on some music and the kids particularly liked Akon and tried to sing with and played air guitar. Then at 8.30pm it was way passed their (and the adults') bedtime, so we all went to bed. We slept on some thin madresses on the floor, and fell quickly asleep and slept like babies, untill the rosster woke us up at 6.30 am. The rest of the village had been up a while allready.
Some of the kids popped by again before they had to go to school, and we ate our breakfast and packed our bags and at 8am we headed out in the pouring rain. Yes, it was raining in the middle of the dry season, and it sure didn't want to stop. It was raining the whole hike down, but the worst part was that the track got very muddy and almost impossible to walk. Tina fell on her ass one time, and everyone, even Mr. Mee, had problems staying on our feet. He said it never used to rain like this in the dry season, just a little during the night. It's still raining.. We came down in one piece though, and very happy that we went on the trip :)
- comments
Tina Correction; Fell on my knees
Linda :) Dere er kjempetøffe!! Helt sikkert en utrolig opplevelse.