So it's a few weeks since my last blog and have been up to loads since then!
I finished work on March 12th and spent my last week in Vancouver being a tourist and eating as much sushi as possible! I visited the Capilano Suspension bridge which is HUGE and slightly scary to walk across. I went hiking in a little fishing village called Deep Cove. Me and Samie hiked up the Baden Powell trail to Quarry Rock which is a huge rock overlooking the cove. It had a massive canadian flag attached to the side which we found pretty amusing. The next day we rented out bikes for the day and cycled around the Stanley Park seawall, round false creek and up to UBC. We had an amusing time considering we are both used to driving/cycling on the left hand side! We also had great difficulties in putting our bikes onto the bus and were told by the bus driver that "it wasn't rocket science" haha!
The weather decided to be blue skies and sunshine for my last week (a change to the previous week when we had snow and loads of rain - mountains looked pretty though). I made the most of it one day by wandering around Queen Elizabeth Park which is really high up so has great views of the city. Also loads of nice blossom trees and flowers. I indulged in a bit of retail therapy (which made packing on friday quite amusing).
On Saturday, having packed up our room, Samie and I left Vancouver with our housemate Kerry to head for Seattle. We encountered the world's nicest immigration officer at the border and were in our hotel (for hostel price) by 2:30. We headed down to the market and discovered that it was actually quite hot outside! We sat in the sun and had some lunch before browsing the market and gorging ourselves on loads of food samples. We then headed for the waterfront and got lucky with a half price harbour cruise! Afterwards we headed back to the hotel with some cooked chicken and salad for dinner and some booze! Went out to a bar in pioneer square where me and samie got hit on by a 50 year old. We met a couple of cool canadian guys who enjoyed slagging americans off and had a bacon vodka drink which stank!
The next morning we had brunch in our hotel where we had a comedian for a waiter but the eggs were pretty good! Met nigel and tim and headed out to the space needle which for $17 was a rip off but pretty good views. Got the monorail into town, headed for a starbucks and then showed the boys the market. In the evening we headed out for some seafood and drinks. On the way home we randomly ended up getting a limo for $20!
So got up early this morning and headed for the airport. Arrived in LA at lunch time and headed for my hotel. Have spent my afternoon chilling out and enjoying being alone for a change! Tour across america starts on Wednesday - can't wait!!!
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