Sorry I havnt written in a while, but I havnt really got much to tell.
Working and living in Kalgoorlie was such an experience. When we first got there we were a bit worried about getting work, but we had work within 2 days. The first job we got was working in a bar on the main street of Kalgoorlie (Hannan Street) It opens til 3am and gets really busy on a Friday and Saturday night. Loud music and drunk customers! Good fun though. We could only get shifts there on a Friday and Saturday night, but after 4 or 5 days of more job hunting we found work in another pub called "The Broken Hill" in Boulder, which is a little town about 10 minutes away. Its just an average pub with TAB machine (betting machines) and a bottle shop (off license). I liked working there because you were able to chat to people rather than having to scream at people over the bar in the other place. Luckily 'The Broken Hill' (or 'The Brokey' as the locals call it) didnt open too late, so we had time on a Friday and Saturday nights to go home, get a quick feed and get to our other job.
Kal is a weird place, but in a good way! We had heard so much negativity from people before we left, so when we first arrived we were pretty wary of everyone and everything. That soon changed though, as we realised it was a cool little place. We met loads of flippin Irish!! We seem to magnatize towards each other over here! Most of them are working within the mines and have been in Kal for a few years. They dont intend on leaving any time soon. The moneys good and they have a close network of friends. Its like a home away from home.
The girls i went there with (Steph) is still there and i think she will stay for another few months. Its getting pretty hard to get work over here, so shes pretty wise to just stay there and earn some $ whil she can. I would have stayed on longer, but had already made plans to meet up with some friends in Sydney at the start of August.
Ive spent the last week back in Melbourne AGAIN!! I love this place and the friends i have here are gold! Mike was here aswell when i arrived, which was great because i havnt seen him since Thailand! The weather has been yuk since i got here, but it hasnt dampened my spirits! Melbourne is by far the best city in Australia... rain, hail or shine!
It was great catching up with everyone. The house i was living in before in Westbury Street is now gone! We helped the girls move out on Monday there. It was pretty emotional! So much fun has happened in that house!
We went to a place on Wednesday night that was so cool! Its run by homeless people who are trying to get ahead in life,so they are taught how to cook and make special coffees etc. Its like a big buffet thing and at the end, you pay what you feel. There is just a box where you make a donation! AND it was african drum night, so the atmosphere was brilliant! There is so much of this kind of stuff happening in Melbourne all the time. You could go out any night of the week on a budget and have a fantastic time! Im going to miss it alot! :(
So now im sat at Melbournes Avalon Airport waiting for my flight to Sydney to meet Emma!!!! She has been in Sydney for the past 2 months and is really bored of it. I dont really think much of Sydney to be honest. Its just a big city like any other. She leaves tomorrow morning to head up the East Coast to find work. Thenat tea time, Peters friend Yvonne gets in. Ive never met her before but ive heard so much about her and im so excited to meet her! Then on Sunday morning Katie (my friend from Newcastle) gets here. She is here for a month. We will spend a few days in Sydney to see the sights and then head up north is search of some glorious sunshine!!!!!!! I cant wait! Im so white!! Its not fair! They definately did not advertise this rainy part in any brochure i read!!!! ;)
So thats all intil next time! I will have lots more to write now i am on the move again.
Hope all is good with everyone.
Lots of love
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