Soooo if you haven't heard Scary stuff. I'm at work about 8 blocks from there right now. That area is one of the busiest in London. Pretty sure I walked right past it yesturday on my way back to work from lunch. This is just one of the dangers of living in a big city, I suppose. In that particular area right near Soho and Piccadilly is busy 24 hours a day. There are as many people in the streets at 2 am (like when the car was found) as there are in the middle of the day. There are dozens and dozens of bars and clubs, many of which stay open until the early hours of the morning.
There are a lot of theories right now in regards to the timing of the incident. Some are saying it's because there is a gay rights parade in that area occuring on Sunday (although that's highly unlikely because no car would sit abandoned in London for 2 days). The more likely theory is that it is making a statement about Gordon Brown, the new prime minister, and Jacqui Smith, the new (and first female) home secretary.
As large as London is, the city is completely covered in cameras. I've heard that in one day, at least 300 cameras will capture you. The system is called CCTV and the cameras are evvverrrywwhhhherree. Not just in the streets, but on the buses, in the tube stations, in buildings and all tourist attractions. That's not to say that the resolution on the cameras is good enough that one can be identified, but they certainly try.
A group of us went out last night up to Camden. It was hip hop night, which was really interesting. Only stayed for 2 drinks as I don't think any of us could handle that place in a sober state.
I'm contemplating extending my stay here. It's almost half over, and I feel that I have so much more to gain from these experiences. I'm going to see how next week goes and decide from there.
My friend Nick from Liverpool is coming down tomorrow- we've made a full schedule of activities including the Turner exhibit at the Tate and the Jack the Ripper tour.
I would just like to mention that for the first time since I've been here, there is not a cloud in the sky. So to those of you currently in 95 degree weather, no complaining!
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