Hey, how are all you guys doing? Well after leaving our slightly haunted YHA in Owaka, where we last left you, we headed north towards Dunedin. On route we saw enormous sealions on Cannibal Bay, they were brillant and we went to Nugget Point. The sea is mainly full of big nugget style rocks and hundreds of seals that are very noisy. The landscapes here are crazy and everytime you turn a corner completely different.
We then arrived in Dunedin, New Zealands second largest city, which is still only the size of Christchurch, Dorset, although it was weird being around that many people again and we even had to negiotate traffic. We spent a very cultural day there visiting musuems and art galleries. I have even taken some pictures of steam trains for you dad, you would be very impressed.
The highlight of Dunedin though is that this is where we found out we were aunties to little Molly May. Good one Snow and Marcy we're dead proud of you. We went out for a meal to celebrate, lovely.
We are now back in Queenstown being looked after by the lovely Mandy and Sally as Kim needed to go back to the dentist, boo. However this did give us the opportunity to go up the gondola and race the luges. Mandy, Sally and Kim raced like pros Miss Lacey took the gentler Driving Miss Daisy approach but we all had heaps of fun. We have also taught Mandy and Sally the great game of Texas Holdem and had a wickedly funny poker night.
We were meant to be leaving the girls today to head to Mount Cook but severe weather warnings have been issued and the thought of being stranded in a freezing cold van in hurricane winds didn't really seem like a good idea and sensible as ever we are staying put and exploiting the generousity and lovelyiness of Mandy and Sally. We promise we will leave tomorrow.
Hope everyone there is well. I'm not sure what to make of Little Jo's last message but it made it made us laugh lots. Thank you.
Love us xx
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