Hey guys,yes it's been a while but tocompensate we will only bore you with bullet points this time, although some messages from you lot would be nice /get to work.
1) We left Cusco and flew to Arequipa, minus our guide who missed the flight, much to our amusement. Arequipa is a beautiful town and as we were there Easter weekend really busy with a great feel. No beer was on sale so we had to sneakily buy it from the shop opposite our hotel, which had it hidden behind a picture of the Pope - priceless
2) We then headed to Colca Canyon that clains to be the biggest canyon in the world. We were all less than convinced by this fact but it was still beautiful and had enormous condors flying overhead to add to the errie feel. We spent the night in Bedrock Hotelwhich was hilarious.
3) We headed north to Nazca, where we started the day going around a cemetry. Not much of a tourist sport you may think but there were mummies of adults and babies in every tomb, which were all open thanks to grave robbers. Bizarre but true - wait for the photos. In the afternoon we then had a flight over the Nazca lines. This time luckily Hattie wasn't sick and it was truly amazing. We had read so much about them but to actually see them was incredible. There really are giant rock pictures everywhere.
4) Next we headed to a place called Ica, the only reason we stopped here was to go sand boarding and to go on an awesome sand buggy ride across the desert and over vast sand dunes. It was like the best rollercoaster ride of you life. Then every so often they would stop and we would lay belly down on a snowboard and go head first down a sand dune of gigantic proportiobns. When they first told us what we were doing we were like 'Yeah whatever' but it was just brillant fun. Top, top day.
5) We finally arrived in Lima, our final destination. We all went out for a big group dinner and the group finally managed to get Miss Lacey to sing in a local bar. Nice one. We then went to a casino - at 4am no less check us out. That was meant to be our final night out but due to a few problems we had had with our trip Gap paid for us all to go lout for dinner again the following night and took us to this incredible water park with a fountain show set to music - really good fun.
6) We said a sad farwewell to our group and headed to Ecuador and their bigggest city Guayachil. Not the nicest place to be fair but gave us an opportunity to catch up with stuff and prepare our final month.
7) We are now in Montanita and it is paradise. The weather is incredible, the surf as good as the guidebooks say and we are in a beautiful hotelright on the beach. We are surfing, sunbathing and chilling. We have had one slight mishap however, our camera got eaten by the Pacific ocean - due to a faulty clip. For the record it was a waterproof camera. Thats not the worst bit we hadnt downloaded our photos from the past month. Yes we know it was stupid. All is not lost though and as this was when we were with the group everyone is sending us copies of their photos so you will still get to see our adventures. You lucky people. That said we are absolutely gutted.
Couple of quick other things, our mobiles don't work at all here and so we can't receive or send any messages. The second thing is that we have changed our flight home details and we now arrive home in blighty on Thursday 28th May 2009, one week ahead of schedule. Everything here is all good it just means we get to go to the Galapagos - sweet. How lucky are we.
Right you lovely people please take care of yourselves and we wuill hopefully be in touch again soon.
Lots of love xx
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