hey all!!!!!
well we are now in the smelest town in the world, well i thnk so anyway. it smells so bad due to the sulphur in the hot pools around the town. this area is one of the most volcanic areas in the the world. but it really does smell.
its a very nice place and about 4 years ago was voted the best looking town in new zealand. has a really nice green area which is next to the museum and the mesuem is actaully a lovely looking building. well since we have been here we have been whitewater rafting. its was amazing. along the way there were water falls that were 2 meters 3 meters and then the bigeest waterfall in the world you can raft over, 7 meters. was a very scary momebt at the bottom as we all nearly all fell out. but it was really really good and the best bit was the water was so warm. we did actually go over one bit of rapids out of the boat which was cool. we were under the water for a few seconds before we popped back up. was cool.
also whist we were in rotorua we went to a traditional mauri eveing. we got picked up ina coach where the driver was brilliant. really funny and said hello to us in 59 different languages. also on the coach yours truely was chosen as the chief of the bus. this ment i had to lead the bus to the grounds of the meal and stand there while a mauri guy did a scary dance in front of me and the other 3 chiefs. at the end he picked me to pick up the gift offering and then we could go have the meal. it apparntly is a very honoured privalidge. so i got prime seats when they danced for us all again. after all that stuff hannah was over the moon as we then go to eat the tradtional marui food. called a hangi. they bascially cook it under the ground. was brillaint food and at the end i was awarded a necklace as i was a chief. so i went home very chuffed and that was the end of rotorua!! very nice
well speak soon from han and kie x
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