Wow what a weekend!!! Friday began with our 1st Denny's breakfast of our stay amazing food as always, Emma even had pizza for breakfast. We waddled out of there and headed to celebration. We cooled by the fountain, visited the sweetie shop, hello kitty shop and the local tavern. Lovely relaxing start to the day. After lunch we decided to brace the magic kingdom again. The carousel went down a treat followed by its a small world. This was Emma's favourite ride so far. This was followed by Micky fantastic 3d show which is also amazing! To round the day off we met 3 princesses and also bought a princess ballon.
Saturday was chill out day I went to publix for some supplies and we had a lazy morning/afternoon. Went to the park in our complex then off to dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. Food was superb. We then headed to Kissimmee old town for the fun fair including tea cups another carousel, and the Ferris Wheel there was also a antique car show with loads of old amazing cars. I love the smell of the old fumes! Krispy Kreme donuts and beer purchased and eaten/drunk to round off a fab night.
Sunday (today) Epcot started off at nemo ride which was fab which also houses large aquariums which is bigger than our sea world Emma had a ball running between all the tanks!! Spotting large fish, turtles, dolphins and manatees.
We obtained fast passes for soaring which enabled us to visit the play park Mary Poppins and Alice in Wonderland. Emma's autograph book is filling up! A quick snack then it was time for soarin! Amazing ride Emma just said wow as we touched back down. We left soarin to the 1st rain of the trip. 1st BK visit and it had a kids play. Emma was dropped of at never land kids club and me a Danielle legged it to Hollywood Studios for the brilliant adrenaline pumping Aerosmith and Tower of Terror. We also had a time to eat and a wee bit gift shopping. Home to bed, long day but fab weekend.
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